Wide/close AM's on state quarters

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Sheila Ruley, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. Sheila Ruley

    Sheila Ruley The short blonde girl

    Ok. When I get the chance I will do that. Thank you!
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  3. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Now thats intresting
  4. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    You got to give him his time with his kids. Cuz it's probably the best time of his day other then seeing you there when he comes home. That living the good life.
    Sheila Ruley likes this.
  5. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Both my children had that surgery 36 and 20 years ago. It worked. You can sleep good
    Sheila Ruley likes this.
  6. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    Now that they do so much work with computer design and CNC for cutting master hubs they tend to "tweak" the designs every year to improve metal flow and strike qualities.
  7. justafarmer

    justafarmer Senior Member

    Does the Mint even produce Master Hubs and Master Dies anymore? Or are they just producing Working Hubs with CNC which are then used to produce Working Dies?
  8. eric6794

    eric6794 Well-Known Member

    Hello @Sheila Ruley glad to see your still around even if it's not as much as you want to be. Wishing all the best to you.

    Sheila Ruley likes this.
  9. Sheila Ruley

    Sheila Ruley The short blonde girl

    Thank you! I miss everyone!
  10. Raven Horse

    Raven Horse Member

    Not to worry Sheila, I have the same problem even with 40x loupe. Part of the learning process I guess, happy hunting.
  11. Sheila Ruley

    Sheila Ruley The short blonde girl

    I use a 60x. I can see better and it shows more clearly and more detail.
  12. Raven Horse

    Raven Horse Member

    LOL, goodness lady, I thought with my bifocals a 40 would be good, as it turns out, it's still blurry to me. Guess it's time to upgrade. Have a good day.
    Sheila Ruley likes this.
  13. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    That's a good question. I would expect that they would still create a master hub (with CNC) because if they did working hubs they would still have to make a fair number of them, there would be a chance they would not all be the same, and once you have the master hub/ master die, you can replicate working hubs faster via hubbing than you can cutting them with CNC.
    justafarmer likes this.
  14. justafarmer

    justafarmer Senior Member

    Just to take this State Quarter one step further and add to post #75. Following is a CAD rendering of a 2015-P ATB Saratoga Quarter overlaid in green onto the Pennsylvania and Kentucky obverses. More indication the obverse design has not remained static.
    State 7 Sara.JPG State 8 Philly with Sara Overlay.JPG
  15. John Skelton

    John Skelton Morgan man!

    OMG! You have a DDOC!! I'd send it in to be graded immediately! Gotta be worth something!!:meh:
  16. JayF

    JayF Active Member

    Off topic but what software do you use to make these overlays? If you don't mind me asking.
  17. CraigerZ

    CraigerZ New Member

    That’s awesome, forgive me for going off topic just a bit, where is a good place to find boxes of coin rolls when no bank in my town not even my own bank, not the Kroger‘s or any other place here in Chillicothe Illinois will sell me cases. Coin rolls . My bank Citgo only tells me, “we don’t do that here“ not very friendly people for the most part
    This is a new hobby for me and I’m addicted although I have always been interested in antiques, history, coins, etc. I’m a bit of a hoarder I guess but not too bad, ha ha thank you for your time
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
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