Who's seen the new coins in circulation?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by The Half Dime, Mar 4, 2024.

  1. The Half Dime

    The Half Dime Arrows!

    Often, I will collect a couple of the new coins I find in circulation, but these past couple of years, the wait time between the new year and getting coins from that year is flat ridiculous.

    Let me illustrate for you. I live in Indiana, and it wasn't until late March of last year that I got a 2023 Bessie Coleman quarter. Around the beginning of this year, I got my first Jovita Idar quarter in circulation, and I have seen not one Maria Tallchief quarter. I am personally a fan of the Indians on quarters, as I have some indigenous blood myself. Let's compare the wait time to several years back. It didn't take long for new quarters to show up, but now I haven't seen a coin of any denomination dated 2024. Even more ironic, a coin collector I once talked with lives in Philadelphia, and at the same time, the only 2023-dated coins he had gotten were from Denver!

    Exactly what is the issue with new coins? (Not that we were probably all pea green with envy when a new error quarter was selling on the 10th of last year for $510!)
    ernie11 and Inspector43 like this.
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  3. ernie11

    ernie11 Member

    Only yesterday did I get my first, a 2024 Lincoln cent.
  4. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Gotten a couple 2024D cents. And a Dr Pauli Qtr.
  5. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    Haven't seen any in Idaho yet.
  6. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Haven't seen any yet (and I'm probably still missing a few 2023 quarters), but I've been really, really short on cash transactions so far this year. Once Food Lion gets their self-checkouts reinstalled (they put them in years ago, then took them back out), things should start looking up.
  7. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    I haven’t seen a single coin of any denomination dated 2024 as if today.
  8. The Half Dime

    The Half Dime Arrows!

    This is simply mind blowing. Is it just that some of us don't live near a mint? Even more so, I've gotten more 1965 quarters than Idars since they came out.
  9. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    The mint has only been at it for 2 months - they have to mint the coins and distribute them. Usually takes a few months for them to start circulating.
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  10. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    The area I live in is known for recycled money and not for new money. Too many vending machines I think. Lol
  11. Noah Worke

    Noah Worke Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen them, but I haven't used cash much either. It's painful how much these days is online transactions. Yesterday I went out to see a movie and didn't open my wallet once. Paid for parking with an app, paid for the movie with a gift card, and paid for gas with a debit card. Premium obviously, because my car deserves a treat every so often. I buy food a couple of times a week with a reloadable card given to me by my university, though I'd rather have the money in my bank account so I can spend it wherever I want as opposed to only on campus. I'm an adult, I can be trusted to buy food. My only cash transactions happen at supplement stores because when buying a case of energy drinks I only get a cent in change. I'm not happy with it, but that's the way society is heading, and what can you do when there's no other option?
  12. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    If you put premium in a car that's supposed to get regular, it will do nothing for your car (you will notice an effect on your wallet...).
    All premium does is reduce knock in high performance engines.
    Noah Worke and Barney McRae like this.
  13. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    I usually see cents by the beginning of Feb. Then dimes, nickels, and quarters around now. The cents are definitely late. I pulled 2 more today from the self check out. And another Dr.Pauli. It's an odd one.
    Jovita Idar was a very low mintage. I maybe got a half roll of descent examples. Plenty of all the others. It's not surprising that you didn't find many.
    I live in the Denver Metro, and this is a little late but not too far off in timing for them to be released. It all depends on how much backstock Loomis had in their inventory.
  14. The Half Dime

    The Half Dime Arrows!

    Really? Would an uncirculated PDS set be worth anything? I'd say the S quarter is, but I don't know about the P or D.
  15. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Not sure, It is gonna be years before we know. I haven't ever played the buy and sell game with coins.
    Barney McRae likes this.
  16. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    I purchase only, never sell. I will be an after-thought before they would be of any value. Therefore, I have no interest, I'm from the old school, buy old stay new!
    Collecting Nut likes this.
  17. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Same here. I sell a few coins in my antique shop but all I really do is buy them. Buying is fun and enjoyable but selling is more stressful.
  18. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Supporter! Supporter

    Me either. But I do try to buy well below current market price when possible, unless it's absolutely something I can't pass up. I'll pay the going fare for that, but no more. I do try to buy at a price point where if precious metals go nuts, I won't starve in my old age. :D Gold has definitely been on a tear lately, and the general stock market is wavering finally and taking a pause. Fiat currency can't hold it's value at these levels at the inflationary state of our economy.
  19. Noah Worke

    Noah Worke Well-Known Member

    Definitely agree there, my car isn't stock but it's not necessarily high-performance either. It's a 3.6l V6 Pentastar, it makes 295hp stock but I've increased that number a bit. It can't hurt in any case, though the jump from 89 to 91 isn't huge. It is an FCA vehicle, though, so maybe I should be more worried about the transmission.
    Lon Chaney likes this.
  20. CoinCorgi

    CoinCorgi Tell your dog I said hi!

    2024-D cent found sometime in February 2024 in southern California. Typical. Next should be the dime, then the nickel, then the quarters (gradually. there are like 234 of them this year, right?).
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2024
  21. Noah Worke

    Noah Worke Well-Known Member

    Close- 240, with an additional 400 available for purchase but not released into circulation.
    CoinCorgi likes this.
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