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<p>[QUOTE="dougsmit, post: 2844282, member: 19463"]I never know what to say I paid when I get a bulk lot for a price. If you bought 250 coins with two winners and 248 losers, those two were pretty expensive and certainly not $2 each. I end up assigning prices to each coin that add up to the total but are not equal numbers for all. I recently bought 34 coins for just a bit over $1000 to which I assigned values between $5 and $150. I might have been better making those numbers $0 and $160 but truth will never be known because many of the coins will never be resold (some kept, some donated). The few I did sell at least gave me a value to assign that had some meaning. I have avoided listing any of my bulk lot purchases here for the purposes of this thread even though some did fit the $21-40 span. The barbarous Antoninus Pius below was an average coin in the group with about as many 'better' as there were 'lesser' and got listed in this range but that is nothing more than opinion. The difference is whether you like barbarous or not. </p><p>[ATTACH=full]673767[/ATTACH][/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="dougsmit, post: 2844282, member: 19463"]I never know what to say I paid when I get a bulk lot for a price. If you bought 250 coins with two winners and 248 losers, those two were pretty expensive and certainly not $2 each. I end up assigning prices to each coin that add up to the total but are not equal numbers for all. I recently bought 34 coins for just a bit over $1000 to which I assigned values between $5 and $150. I might have been better making those numbers $0 and $160 but truth will never be known because many of the coins will never be resold (some kept, some donated). The few I did sell at least gave me a value to assign that had some meaning. I have avoided listing any of my bulk lot purchases here for the purposes of this thread even though some did fit the $21-40 span. The barbarous Antoninus Pius below was an average coin in the group with about as many 'better' as there were 'lesser' and got listed in this range but that is nothing more than opinion. The difference is whether you like barbarous or not. [ATTACH=full]673767[/ATTACH][/QUOTE]
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