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<p>[QUOTE="ValiantKnight, post: 2843301, member: 44210"]One of my best bottom-feeder scores. Unattributed by the seller, I scored this rare King Baduila (penultimate Ostrogothic king who nearly ended the Roman reconquest of Italy in the 540s AD) 2.5 nummus in a three-coin lot. Ended up paying ~$8 for it after dividing the total price.</p><p><br /></p><p><b><u>Baduila</u>, Ostrogothic Kingdom</b></p><p>AE 2.5 nummi</p><p><b>Obv</b>: Pearl-diademed, draped bust of Anastasius right</p><p><b>Rev</b>: Monogram of Baduila</p><p><b>Mint</b>: Ticinum</p><p><b>Date</b>: 541-552 AD</p><p><b>Ref</b>: MIB 87; Kraus 69; Metlich 94</p><p><br /></p><p><img src="https://www.cointalk.com/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1197.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faa429%2FLurkingNinja%2Fbaduila_zps94alzodg.jpg&hash=7548491199fc499674a0164db3fc2a51" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" /></p><p><br /></p><p><img src="https://www.cointalk.com/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1197.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faa429%2FLurkingNinja%2Fbaduilamonogram_zpsdycvxcne.jpg&hash=2c7c8e3e4ac0687be899dc09e8cc7d05" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" /></p><p><br /></p><p>From a previous thread of mine:</p><p><br /></p><p>"At the time of his ascension to the throne in 541 AD, Totila (whose original name was Baduila) had been the garrison commander of Treviso and had inherited a war-weary kingdom fighting for its life. The Ostrogothic Kingdom of Italy had been invaded in 535 AD by Byzantine forces led by the famed general Belisarius, in an attempt to bring Italy back under direct Roman control. In the early years the Byzantines had had much success, mainly the capture of Rome, and the conquest of the Italian capital of Ravenna and the capture of Ostrogothic king Witiges. The Byzantine armies then had the Ostrogoths cornered in the north of Italy.</p><p><br /></p><p>Marching out of the north with the small Ostrogoth army, Totila came upon a larger Roman force at Faventia and destroyed it, enabling him to move further south. As part of his strategy, Totila skipped over the fortified cities and took control of the countryside, and soon had nearly the whole of the peninsula back in Gothic hands. Totila's successes and the lack of cooperation between the emperor and Belisarius, and among the other Byzantine generals helped to extend the conflict for another decade. He even managed to take Rome twice, the second time holding it for two years from 550-552 AD.</p><p><br /></p><p>By this point, Justinian had had enough, and sent a great force of 35,000 under the general Narses to Italy. The main Ostrogothic army was soon defeated, and Totila killed. His successor Teia died in battle not long afterwards, and Justinian was left as the new master of the old Roman heartland."[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="ValiantKnight, post: 2843301, member: 44210"]One of my best bottom-feeder scores. Unattributed by the seller, I scored this rare King Baduila (penultimate Ostrogothic king who nearly ended the Roman reconquest of Italy in the 540s AD) 2.5 nummus in a three-coin lot. Ended up paying ~$8 for it after dividing the total price. [B][U]Baduila[/U], Ostrogothic Kingdom[/B] AE 2.5 nummi [B]Obv[/B]: Pearl-diademed, draped bust of Anastasius right [B]Rev[/B]: Monogram of Baduila [B]Mint[/B]: Ticinum [B]Date[/B]: 541-552 AD [B]Ref[/B]: MIB 87; Kraus 69; Metlich 94 [IMG]https://www.cointalk.com/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1197.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faa429%2FLurkingNinja%2Fbaduila_zps94alzodg.jpg&hash=7548491199fc499674a0164db3fc2a51[/IMG] [IMG]https://www.cointalk.com/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Fi1197.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faa429%2FLurkingNinja%2Fbaduilamonogram_zpsdycvxcne.jpg&hash=2c7c8e3e4ac0687be899dc09e8cc7d05[/IMG] From a previous thread of mine: "At the time of his ascension to the throne in 541 AD, Totila (whose original name was Baduila) had been the garrison commander of Treviso and had inherited a war-weary kingdom fighting for its life. The Ostrogothic Kingdom of Italy had been invaded in 535 AD by Byzantine forces led by the famed general Belisarius, in an attempt to bring Italy back under direct Roman control. In the early years the Byzantines had had much success, mainly the capture of Rome, and the conquest of the Italian capital of Ravenna and the capture of Ostrogothic king Witiges. The Byzantine armies then had the Ostrogoths cornered in the north of Italy. Marching out of the north with the small Ostrogoth army, Totila came upon a larger Roman force at Faventia and destroyed it, enabling him to move further south. As part of his strategy, Totila skipped over the fortified cities and took control of the countryside, and soon had nearly the whole of the peninsula back in Gothic hands. Totila's successes and the lack of cooperation between the emperor and Belisarius, and among the other Byzantine generals helped to extend the conflict for another decade. He even managed to take Rome twice, the second time holding it for two years from 550-552 AD. By this point, Justinian had had enough, and sent a great force of 35,000 under the general Narses to Italy. The main Ostrogothic army was soon defeated, and Totila killed. His successor Teia died in battle not long afterwards, and Justinian was left as the new master of the old Roman heartland."[/QUOTE]
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