which is the best grading company?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by aschwars, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Leadfoot

    Leadfoot there is no spoon

    I know a few guys who play the MS70 game with NGC/PCGS. None of them can accurately predict which coins will get a 69 and which will get a 70. Read into that what you will, but it doesn't inspire confidence in this collector at least (who can't tell the difference in the vast majority of cases either!).
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  3. blitzen

    blitzen Member

    I'm taking a small leap of faith for sure. They probably are equal in quality though. I can't see any flaws in either one of them but I'm not the expert they are so I'd rather leave it to them. I guess NGC is good enough for me at $150 less. I do have a couple of 2010 SAE that I think are potential 70's and to be honest it leaves me a little empty not knowing for sure..... Even if i can't tell the difference with my own eyes. Weird isn't it?:p
  4. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Several years ago, I went to the local coin club show, and I overheard one of the dealers grumbling that NGC had screwed up on his two 1995-W SAE's that he submitted. They both received 69's. I asked if I could look at them, and he obliged. So, I pulled out my loupe and looked at them, turning them every which way into the light. When I finished, I told him of the flaws that showed themselves as small, bright nicks in the frost, and offered my opinion that they were graded correctly. The dealer grabbed them out of my hand and muttered a few choice expletives as he was turning away.

    It's really very easy telling the difference between a 69 and a 70, but you have to look very carefully for those tiny little flaws that can make it or break it.


    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    I agree.

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Personally, I'd buy 69s slabbed by either one and not waste the money on a 70. 70 graded coins have done nothing but drop in value for the last 6 years or so. I suspect they will continue to drop even more.
  7. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    I agree wholeheartedly! It's a lot different if you're submitting raw coins for grading, but to buy slabbed 70's is a waste of money.

  8. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    so ur ok with forming a TPG? i thought u were not.

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    No spock I'm not OK with it, I would never even dream of doing such a thing. What I was replying to is that I have never said - "coins are AU MS is a fantasy" - nor would I ever say such thing.
  10. blitzen

    blitzen Member

    Well that's the other option of course, but with moderns I don't thik I'd go for a slab unless it was rare or something that was in danger of being counterfeited. Most mint collectors version coins are pretty high quality anyway so for me it's either a 70 or no slab on those. Some coins I just want to know that they are 70's I guess.
  11. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    i never said u said it i said thats the t[gs motto but if u not part of it then how can it be ur motto?
  12. GeorgeM

    GeorgeM Well-Known Member

    This may be slightly off topic, but has anyone had the chance to personally look at coins slabbed by Progressive National Coin? I know that they're not in the top tier, but I'm wondering how low down the ladder they fit in.

    Also, I think this is a well written comparison of the different graders:
  13. rld14

    rld14 Custom User Title

    How long is a piece of string? Everyone seems to have a differing opinion.

    I prefer PCGS and use them almost exclusively, why? Their coins carry the highest market value/acceptance in the series that I collect.
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