when you have over 5000 Greek fractions, unsorted, to identify, authenticate and grade and all need to be photographed?
For that, I think I'd start by thinking about ergonomics. Can't be crouching over a table or a microscope for that many coins, at least not in a steady stretch. I might be tempted to start with a good microscope and a BIG monitor.
While it does seem overwhelming, if you break it down into smaller tasks...let's say you commit to do only 5 per day...every day, with no breaks...it will take you 2 yrs 9 months. Take any vacations & it will take longer...you know what, fugetaboutit! Looks like a lot of nice specimens!
Like Plano Steve said, break it down into smaller tasks. First, sort them out into piles of similar types. Second, identify and group duplicates together. Third, authenticate and separate into piles that are roughly graded. Fourth, fine tune your grades. Fifth, photograph. Will take a while but allow time for breaks and to rest your eyes.
Tell us the total fees that are going to be paid for the grading service....... then I'll see how sympathetic I feel! Looks like a grind for sure. But, compared to the mountain of technical literature reviews that I have sitting on my work desk right now........ I'd take the coins in a heartbeat!! Of course, I don't know the first damn thing about Greek Fractions, identifying fakes, or grading in a consistent manner..... so "inefficient" wouldn't even begin to describe my performance on that task
Wow. crazy stuff, but yes, there are a lot of fake fractions floating around, so despite the numbers, a certain level of analysis is required. My black cabinet contains fractional fakes from Thasos, Istros, Mesembria, Apollonia Pontika, Eubioa Histaia...
I have never seen so many owned by so few (one and that is you @Barry Murphy, with a little pun on a Churchhill speech). If you don't mind my asking, how did this come to this?
Geez/ I start on Jan 1 and end on Dec 31st. By then I would have walked 11K kilometers. Right now working 100 hrs a wk. I am at 300K per week. Had my first day off since April 26th. We had over 100mm. of rain today.
Always make time for the nice things in life Yesterday I was cutting lots of 1/2 acre lawns with my pushmower/ glad that I packed some ice cold Coronas