Wheatie with questionable date??

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by bstod, May 4, 2015.

  1. bstod

    bstod Member

    Came across this penny and noticed that the date was very faded and damaged on the third number. I can see 19 but it is very faded and at the end I see a 5 which is faded as well but not as bad. Any reason why the date would look like this? Are there some error pennies that have faded or missing dates?


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  3. bstod

    bstod Member

    Posted the wrong picture... here is the penny that I am talking about.

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  4. bdunnse

    bdunnse Who dat?

  5. bstod

    bstod Member

  6. carboni7e

    carboni7e aka MonsterCoinz

    Sometimes, a coin will have weak digits or letters. This can happen for a variety of reasons. But yours looks to be a combination of wear/damage.
  7. bstod

    bstod Member

    Yeah I noticed the damage, I wish I could figure out the date.

    Thanks for the help,
  8. Rick Stachowski

    Rick Stachowski Motor City Car Capital

    Grease filled die, I think thats whats going on with the date here ...
  9. Rick Stachowski

    Rick Stachowski Motor City Car Capital

  10. bstod

    bstod Member

    I wish that I would see what the actual date was, I would like it to be a 1915 but I cannot tell.
  11. coop

    coop Senior Member

    I'm thinking 1945. The rims are too thin for a 1915.
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
    Rick Stachowski likes this.
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