What's the rarest coin you own?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Omegaraptor, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. ksparrow

    ksparrow Coin Hoarder Supporter

    Nice Small Head FH half, Bill! Larry's clashed FEC is very cool. In fact everything on this page is cool!
    Mainebill likes this.
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  3. coinquest1961

    coinquest1961 Well-Known Member

    Probably my 1913 var 1 3 1/2 legged/FS-901 nickel-fewer than 25 known.

    Concerning the '09-S-VDB cent-they are quite common due to a couple of factors-1.-First year of mintage 2.-They were put away in quantity right from the beginning due to the low mintage.
  4. coindude123

    coindude123 New Member

    i have an Mexican 10 centavos coin with a hooked eagle and i cant seem to find its worth because its date is too low its 1936 not 1937 im not sure what thats about :|
  5. coindude123

    coindude123 New Member

    my rarest coin is a 10 centavos coin the date is 1936 and its an Aztec calendar on one side the other is a hooked eagle but i cant seem to find its worth i have looked and it only goes back to 1937!
  6. Travlntiques

    Travlntiques Well-Known Member

    I vowed to not show this coin to anyone until better photos could be taken, even though my rarest coin is a fairly recent purchase I can't keep it secret any longer.
    Only 900 minted (yes, she is a proof), but the demand/rarity is in the date ;-)
    I will be restoring the slab to try and get better shots, then off to CAC....or re-holder if the scratch can't be buffed out.
    My new pride and joy:
    DSC_0139.JPG DSC_0141.JPG
    Paul M., green18, ddollard58 and 6 others like this.
  7. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    Nice 77. Always wanted on of those.
    Travlntiques likes this.
  8. coinzip

    coinzip Well-Known Member

    This is probably the Rarest coin I own now, 1927-D 3 1/2 Legged FS-016.65

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Here is one that I used to own...

    Paul M., green18 and Mainebill like this.
  9. kaosleeroy108

    kaosleeroy108 The Mahayana Tea Shop & hobby center

    Well I'd like to see that cartoon
  10. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    I think it's these:

    1867 3cs PF58 - mintage 625, R6.4, estimated survival (all grades) 300
    1869 3cs XF45 - mintage 4,500, R6.4, estimated survival (all grades) 300
    1870 3cs XF45 - mintage 3,000, R6, estimated survival (all grades) 500
    1871 3cs XF45 - mintage 3,400, R5.4, estimated survival (all grades) 800
  11. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    Try old Mads from the late 1960s. Doesn't seem to be any online archives of them. Pity.
  12. Mainebill

    Mainebill Bethany Danielle

    Thanks. It's actually a dollar b2 bb20 a better die marriage I believe a r-4
  13. iontyre

    iontyre Active Member

    By mintage, I suppose my 1926 Sesquicentennial half dollar (140,592) followed by my 1994 special strike Matte Jefferson nickel (167,703).

    By value? Not sure, but my VF 1872 Indian cent would be in the running.
  14. Sallent

    Sallent Live long and prosper

    Emperor Trajan Denarii with Mars on the reverse. Not the rarest ancient coin, but extremely rare in this condition.

    Alegandron and Mainebill like this.
  15. DUNK 2

    DUNK 2 Well-Known Member

    1934S Peace Dollar.
    1934S Obverse.jpg 1934S Reverse.jpg
  16. BadThad

    BadThad Calibrated for Lincolns

    1998 Close AM Proof cent, NGC PR-69, very rare.
  17. Vegas Vic

    Vegas Vic Undermedicated psychiatric patient

    1863 50c pcgs pr64bn j341

    pcgs photo

    also my avatar
    green18, Mainebill, brg5658 and 3 others like this.
  18. PatternCollector

    PatternCollector Well-Known Member


    Gorgeous pattern... Very nice.
  19. Sallent

    Sallent Live long and prosper

    As of now, it is a combination of either of these two coins

    M. Scaurus denarius, 58 BCE (Scaurus was a bit of a show-off, so this has got to be the most boastful coin in Roman history).

    M Scaurus Denarii.jpg

    M. Junius Silanus denarius, 145 BCE. (Nice Roma and interesting ass' head symbol on obverse)

    Junius Silanus Denarii.jpg
  20. rev1774

    rev1774 Well-Known Member

    My 1940 proof... Mintage: 11,827 don't know why they are not more valuable than they are! MS65...
    longshot, Santinidollar and Mainebill like this.
  21. jester3681

    jester3681 Exonumia Enthusiast


    Not a particularly valuable coin, but my most rare non-error. This die pairing (OH-175L-3a) is R-8 in the latest Fuld guide. Mine is AU-Details (Cleaned), but I won't be picky since there aren't a whole lot to choose from...
    Dough, Alegandron, rev1774 and 2 others like this.
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