What's the Dumbest Thing You Ever Did to a Coin

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by wxcoin, Jul 5, 2021.

  1. Neosynephrine

    Neosynephrine Member

    Like the OP, I used an eraser on a very nice VG 1875-s Twenty Cent Piece. How bad does that degrade it I wonder?
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  3. Southernman189

    Southernman189 Well-Known Member

    a "cleaned coin" is always labeled as such to my understanding. Some collectors won't touch a "cleaned coin".
  4. Southernman189

    Southernman189 Well-Known Member

    Here's ONE one my many dumb things. I put a 1938 cent on a gas burner on the cooking stove (my mom was outside) and I wanted to see what extreme heat would do to a copper penny. To my amusement, it formed bubbles in the field above the date. (trapped gases) I put it in cold water after cutting off the stove hiding my crime. I was about 8 years old.
    Cheech9712 and wxcoin like this.
  5. clembo

    clembo A closed mind is no mind

    No problem. You bought it from my boss.;)
    Southernman189 likes this.
  6. whopper64

    whopper64 Well-Known Member

    Not as bad as some of the horror stories, because at least the coin stayed in the family. In the late 50's I worked in my father's grocery store. One of my jobs was to deliver groceries to shut-in's in the surrounding neighborhood. One of the elderly ladies had a huge water bottle (5 gallon?) filled with old coins. She tipped me with coins from the jar. One day she tipped me a penny (what, just one cent? to my young innocent mind), and she told me that it was worth much more but didn't say how much more. To make a long story a little shorter, my father had instructed me to give him all the old coins and he'd repay me with current coins double their face value. Good deal, right? So wrong. The penny that I was given was a 1909 s v.d .b. My father said it was worth a dollar so to me that was instant riches! At least my father, when he sold it, used the money (never found out what he sold it for in the mid 60's) to help the family move from PA to GA. My loss, but the family's gain. The reason I remember it was that I noticed the "s" and the v.d .b on the reverse.
    Cheech9712, J.T. Parker and wxcoin like this.
  7. 1865King

    1865King Well-Known Member

    PCGS and NGC will slab a cleaned coin but, it depends on how much it was cleaned. I've seen a lot of Seated Dollars that were lightly cleaned in straight graded slabs.
    wxcoin likes this.
  8. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

  9. John Skelton

    John Skelton Morgan man!

    Nope, never did. I always thought coins were supposed to look like they did and never touched them unless I was putting them in my album. Never did anything to improve their appearance.

    But since coming here, I've learned a lot of ways to do that! Haven't yet, maybe never will.
    Cheech9712 and wxcoin like this.
  10. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

    The dumbest thing doesn't necessarily have to involve cleaning, polishing or improving the appearance of a coin. It could be buying, selling, losing, trading, or some other faux pas. It does seem like the preponderance of dumb things involves cleaning though.
    wxcoin likes this.
  11. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Back in the 1970's and maybe the 1980's people would go into Casino's with Silver Peace Dollars and Morgan's and drop them into the slot machine's. I dropped plenty as I wasn't a collector at the time! Boy, that was truly dumb and unbelievable but true. :inpain: At that time I was young, dumb and full of none. See what I did there! :D
    dwhiz and wxcoin like this.
  12. wxcoin

    wxcoin Getting no respect since I was a baby

    I imagine the slot machine dollars were pretty marked up. But if one of them were a rare date then who knows. I would guess that even back then enough collectors were aware of the rare ones and would have taken them out of their misery.
    Cheech9712 and fretboard like this.
  13. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    3 different times I did the same dumb thing with coins. Carried them in my pocket and lost them. One was a double eagle, one was a gold plated Elizabeth II half penny, another time it was a small packet of 2000 year old silver coins from the western part of India. So, now I make it a rule to NOT carry coins in my pocket, other than pocket change to spend.
    Cheech9712 and wxcoin like this.
  14. John Skelton

    John Skelton Morgan man!

    I guess I get a pass. I didn't do any of those things. I may have lost a valuable coin, but if I did, I didn't know it. I was just trying to fill holes in my album.
    wxcoin likes this.
  15. kn0

    kn0 New Member

    Sent it to greatcollections.com
  16. kn0

    kn0 New Member

    I like slabs, but would rather not pay extra for scratch resistant or gold shield for the Genuine Details. Just graded 18 Morgans for the anniversary... 15 came back details xf cleaned :/ i am always too optimistic (or maybe just can't tell a difference)
    wxcoin likes this.
  17. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Told you this thread would make the big time. Great thread Rodney
    wxcoin likes this.
  18. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    She would of slapped the taste right out of your mouth. You dodged a bullet
  19. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Adore honest people. Priceless
  20. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    I would think you tried to tunnel into the west point mint
    wxcoin and masterswimmer like this.
  21. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    I think Fred gave me an O Morgan. Did I mention I still love him
    wxcoin likes this.
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