What's the cardboard shipping thing called?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Publius2, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. Publius2

    Publius2 Well-Known Member

    That annoyingly strong corrugated cardboard shipping packaging that is so difficult to open - what's it called? You know, the one that slabs are shipped in.

    I've searched on Amazon but apparently I'm using the wrong search terms.

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  3. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

  4. Travlntiques

    Travlntiques Well-Known Member

  5. Publius2

    Publius2 Well-Known Member

    Ah, indeed that's it. I'll have to find a source for smaller quantity. 250' of this would still be around for my great-great-great grandchildren. Unless my wife choose to bury me in it.

    dwhiz, wxcoin, -jeffB and 4 others like this.
  6. Burton Strauss III

    Burton Strauss III Brother can you spare a trime? Supporter

    Somebody has a precut sheet form with text about your merchandise is inside.
  7. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    Cheaper than a casket, and if you are going to be cremated...
    dwhiz, wxcoin, philologus_1 and 3 others like this.
  8. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    They make them that big?
  9. nerosmyfavorite68

    nerosmyfavorite68 Well-Known Member

    Ah, cool. I had wondered where to get them, but I rarely mail out coins.

    The safety mailers can be annoying, but believe me, it's better than the alternatives.

    Take my Nero, for example. The dealer had abandoned best practices after a move, there was no safety mailer, and the coins were mailed in a floppy, padded mailer. The coins were just put in a little envelope inside that, a big one and a little one together. Snap.

    Another dealer fared better, but used an execrable, self-sealing 2x2. I got the cardboard apart easily enough, but it remained trapped in the plastic, and I couldn't just cut around it. I had to poke it out of the plastic and hope it didn't get damaged.

    Some use pseudo safety mailers. One uses multiple layers of very heavy paper, which works pretty well.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2024
  10. wxcoin

    wxcoin Getting no respect since I was a baby

    I should have my son mail my dead body to PCGS or NGC to get slabbed. With my artificial knee I should get a details grade.
    KBBPLL, Publius2, dwhiz and 1 other person like this.
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