What You Need to Know about the Incomplete Planchet Error

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by physics-fan3.14, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    I took photos of some interesting clips last night. The first one is an 1988 Half Dollar. My friend Chet has a son that also collects coins. His son was born in 1988. I plan to put this into an 1988 dated set for him when I find a cent to complete the set.
    NSP and Islander80-83 like this.
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  3. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    Here are some quarters.
    Islander80-83 likes this.
  4. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector


    Here are some dimes.
    Islander80-83 likes this.

    RUFUSREDDOG Senior Member



    And they're not filed.

    Kinnda like LS/MFT
  6. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    Here are some odd shaped nickels.
    Islander80-83 likes this.
  7. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    I believe that all the incomplete planchet errors I have depicted are real :smile. I have seen several filed coins falsely represented as real clips. The OP should help everyone avoid buying a filed coin.

    In past catalogs & shows, there were always many pre 1982 cents available but way fewer post 1982 examples. I think the pre 1982 solid copper cents were more easily faked. Here are a couple post 1982 examples. These are genuine incomplete cent planchet errors.

    My favorite cent clip is this one with no date
    Islander80-83 likes this.
  8. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    Just bought this cool one off Teletrade.

    Attached Files:

  9. Collect89

    Collect89 Coin Collector

    Straight edge clip

    Obviously that is a nice error coin. Congratulations on the addition. :)
  10. snaz

    snaz Registry fever

    I disagree Carl, if the OP utilizes the "keywords" feature when they write up a post like this, then it is easily found via google. All my counterfeit threads can be easily found that way because I used Keywords to find the thread easier, should someone want to. And when I go through my created threads, and look at the topics I gave "keywords" they have a substantially higher view count than other threads.
  11. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    Snaz, what is this keywords feature and how do I use it? I hate putting all this work into threads and then having them fall into the abyss of hyperspace.
  12. Mr. Coin Lover

    Mr. Coin Lover Supporter**

    I'm not into error coins, but this was still very interesting. Thanks for taking the time to post all.

    I have a question for the error collectors. The ASE '08w/'07 reverse is actually considered an error coin, or something else?
  13. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    As that is a significantly different topic, maybe you could start a new thread on the subject.
  14. Just Carl

    Just Carl Numismatist

    Unfortunately possibly 99% of all the people do not know what you know. You should know by now that most people just don't do searches here and seldom think about some things to even look for on Google. As an example there are always posts about the amount of TPGS's on coin forums and so few ever even think of trying Googel or Yahoo for that info.
    If you think your idea is usable for the masses, wait about one Month and ask how many know about this post, have any idea of what it is about, where to find it, etc. You may be one of the very, very few that ever finds such info, but as I said, try bringing this up in a Month.
    Another example of what I mean is just how many times do you see repititious posts about PVC, how to tone a coin, where is a good price guide and all the other posts that are repeated, repeated, repeated?
  15. Lehigh96

    Lehigh96 Toning Enthusiast

    I don't know what the keywords are but I know that the return of the TOTW (Thread of the week) and the TOTW Hall of Fame would help keep great threads going. Many of the CT members checked the TOTW routinely.
  16. snaz

    snaz Registry fever

    When you are writing up you OP for a topic, right below the text box there is a little section called "keywords" (I think thats what it's called) If you reply to this post, look below the text box and you'll see teh thing called "Trackback"... well.. the Keywords feature is usually right below that in an OP text box area..

    Will do :)

    RUFUSREDDOG Senior Member

    :secret:I don't get this PE.

    Too close to the edge or "manipulated"?
  18. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    I don't understand your question/comment?

    RUFUSREDDOG Senior Member

    Plancet Error~it just looks too level, like it could have been hit with a belt sander or punched from the edge?

    It looks slabbed so someone mush have an opinion of the cause.
  20. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    My most recent purchase is a straight clip. This happens when the planchet is punched from the edge of a strip - and is discussed in much more detail in my original post.
  21. sensehunter

    sensehunter Member

    Fantastic post, Thank You. Curious if you have ever seen an incomplete planchet, where the clip does NOT go all the way through the planchet, and stops halfway through, leaving a gap to the rim? See my post under error coins, 12-31-10, 1995-D incomplete clip.
    Cal Goddard
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