What year is this from

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by SorenCoins, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. SorenCoins

    SorenCoins Well-Known Member

    I got it and know its an alabama state 1 mill tax token but I don't know e date

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  3. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Circa 1930's - 40's.. There were aluminum and plastic made tokens. You have the Sales Tax Token. There was a Luxury Tax Token also.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
  4. Kirkuleez

    Kirkuleez 80 proof

    These were made between 1933 and 1938 though I don't know if there is a way to nail down the date any further.
    paddyman98 likes this.
  5. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

  6. SorenCoins

    SorenCoins Well-Known Member

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  7. cwtokenman

    cwtokenman Coin Hoarder

    From the color of the token in your photos, I am leaning towards it being made of zinc rather than aluminum. If I am correct, the ID is AL-S4B. The suffix B is because there are two major die varieties, and yours is the "B" type, where the distance between the right foot of the "1" and the "D" in Department is 1.8mm. This token has an R-3 rarity rating, with 501 to 2000 specimens known, and is considered common. These tokens were used between 1939-1941. They were made by the Osbourne Register Company, but the mintage is unknown.

    If your token is made from aluminum, then the ID is AL-S3B. The rarity rating would then be R-1, with 5001+ known, and would be considered very common.

    Alabama produced 19 types of tax tokens, and they were made from the materials aluminum, zinc, brass, fiber (brown-gray, gray-brown, light gray, charcoal gray, gray, red-brown, very pale blue, and dark blue) and plastic (typically carmine, but there are various shades of red depending upon the plastic mixture the dye used at the time of manufacture).
    paddyman98 likes this.
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