What to do with my accumulation?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Inspector43, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    Well, where have you been? And, welcome to CT.
    capthank and roygpa like this.
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  3. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    Packaging and sending out 4 more sets. I just sent 3 sets up North. These 4 are going to great grandkids in California. I still have a few to complete. It has been a fun job. IMG_5798.JPG
    noahhutch01, MIGuy, markr and 5 others like this.
  4. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    I'll bet it has but you gotta admit, you had fun doing it. :)
    MIGuy, markr and Inspector43 like this.
  5. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    Yes I did. I think I might expand it to other family members. I had a habit of holding on to virtually every pre 1965 coin I came across. And, I still have a bunch. Thanks for the feedback.
  6. White Ger. Shep. Lover

    White Ger. Shep. Lover Well-Known Member

    Your kind and loving gift is sure to spawn three or four future coin aficionados from your 32 young ones, Inspector . After all, it is indeed in their blood. Matter of fact, the possibility exists that your generosity could catch fire amongst your grand kids and great grand kids, resulting in a nice big batch of new coinsters......which is a nice thought, but in this case, could create an unparalleled family feud , the likes not seen since the rambunctious days of the Hatfields vs the McCoys. We could have Inspector family factions from the Pacific to the Atlantic pitted against each other.....all in an effort to become Granddad's sole numismatic beneficiary. Now the nice aspect of having so many vying for your prized collection, Inspector, would of course be all of the extra super nice birthday and Christmas gifts coming your way. One would think that in the years to come that Inspector would be receiving coins as gifts that throughout his 70+ years of collecting, he never imagined in his wildest dreams of ever getting his hands on. Looking at Inspector's beneficiary dilemma logically, there exists only one fair thing to do. He needs to have an impartial executor (non- family member) all set to preside over the distribution of his coins, when that sad day arrives when Inspector meets his maker. They would all meet together in one large room where Inspector's chosen executor would hand them each a 20 question exam, preprepared by none other than Inspector himself. 15 questions would be about coins and the other 5 personal questions about Inspector......such as "What is Inspector's favorite all time movie"? Which of course would be "Pennies from Heaven". Or, "what is Inspector's favorite baseball team" (which hopefully is the St. Louis Cardinals)? Now in event that there is a tie, the executor would have the lucky finalists write a 700 (or less) word essay on "The History of the San Francisco Mint" to determine the victor. Good luck, Inspector!
  7. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    @White Ger. Shep. Lover Thanks for the coverage on my project. I am disappointed. I expected you to name a potential executor to help make equitable distributions. I am working on the last few. We got news on Thanksgiving day that #20 is due in June 2020.
  8. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Well then congrats are in order. :)
  9. gbandy

    gbandy Junior Member

    This is great! In way of encouragement, I'll share that my grandfather got me interested in collecting when I was a child, maybe 6 years old. He took me to a couple of coin shows, gave me my first Red Book, and sent me proof sets and ASE's for birthday and Christmas gifts. I've held on to everything he gave me as a child, and when he passed, I inherited most of the non-bullion portion of his collection which I've been working to organize. Sharing your hobby with your grand kids is a great way to establish a connection and leave them with positive memories! Good luck with the completion of your project!
  10. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    Good, keep with it. My aunt got me started in 1948 with an 1883 W/O Cents and an 1885 Liberty Nickels. I have several duplicates each of about 90% of the Lincoln cents from start to finish. I am going to put some piles together and give some of the kids folders and see if they are really interested.
  11. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    Thanks, I appreciate them.
  12. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Don't forget, you need to assemble another coin set for that grandchild. Lol
  13. Good Cents

    Good Cents Well-Known Member


    Find 2 young friends and ask them if they would be Executor and Backup Executor. If you don't have any young friends, well, it's time to make one! :) You can offer a set payment for their time which you would agree upon now, and which would be paid from of your Estate. Whatever amount you decide upon that they agree is fair, it's bound to be MUCH cheaper than a lawyer, that's for sure! Lawyers are known to milk Estates for as much as they can get!
    capthank and Inspector43 like this.
  14. White Ger. Shep. Lover

    White Ger. Shep. Lover Well-Known Member

    Great thoughts from Good Cents! The Chief Executor and the Backup Executor can and should only be selected by our esteemed friend, Inspector. They may even forego accepting any sort of monetary gains from this endeavor out of love and or respect for the mastermind here. The burning question that I have is, "What 20 questions ( 15 coin related and 5 of a personal nature (favorite foods, tv shows etc.)about Inspector ) would Inspector ask on his exam, to his numismatic minded Grandkids who would be vying for his collection?
    Inspector43 likes this.
  15. RoseWesche

    RoseWesche Official "Crazy Cat Lady"

    That's great news. Number 20 in 2020. Think that needs to be played somehow in the lottery. Lol.
    Inspector43 likes this.
  16. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Way ahead of ya. Started 13 books of all the modern coins plus only canada cents. Glad to have only 13 at this time. 20. You'll go broke
  17. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    Are you putting the coins in the books? I thought about letting the kids do that part.
  18. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Nah. But wish i thought of that
    Inspector43 likes this.
  19. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    This project is close to completion. I am working on the two youngest grandchildren and find that this Summer I will have another Great Great Grandchild in California. So, I have three books on my desk right now. That will make a total of 24 that I have put together. They are all similar with the exception of specific dates.
  20. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    You have taken on a huge project and I'm glad you have stuck to it. It's a wonderful thing that you're doing for all of them.
  21. Inspector43

    Inspector43 Celebrating 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    I finished the albums for two more Great Grandchildren today. That is 18 plus some first tier grandchildren. Have 2 more Great Grandchildren to finish. Each time I get close I end up with the news of another one.
    noahhutch01, JeffC, MIGuy and 3 others like this.
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