what is your absolute fav. world coin?

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by marksman01, Mar 17, 2007.

  1. cladking

    cladking Coin Collector

    I probably have a couple thousand tied for first place and ten thousand tied for second place,
    but the Algerian 1949 50 F always comes to mind when thinking about it. It is one of the earliest
    moderns and is quite scarce in unc. It's a bridge between the classics and moderns. It has a
    classic design and was made to the old standards of quality, but it was issued, circulated, and
    destroyed like a modern.
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  3. chrisild

    chrisild Coin Collector

    Great design indeed. Unfortunately the mintage is only 2000 pieces ... oops, 2007. :)

    I do not have one favorite coin either, but many. Like this one from Poland:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

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