I have this 1949-S Franklin graded as MS66+. I've looked multiple sources and the value of the piece ranges from 150 to 400. It has got me confused, so those with knowledge, what is a reasonable price for the Franklin ? Thank you.
The greysheet shows a 66 would be $150 and the 67 at $575. This being a 66+ would put it in the middle correct? I want to sell it but I want it to be in line somewhere.
Here is the source I use most. NumisMedia Collector FMV Rare Coin Price Guide - Franklin Half Dollars
There retail price will be higher than what you can sell it for unless you take all of the risks for selling and shipping.
I'll quote you the CPG for that in 66 vs 67 - which is $150 vs $585. You could expect to get around $150-250 from most dealers, depending on the toning and how dealers see it. I personally buy at about 75% of the CPG, but that is some nice toning on the coin - excuse me, in the coin. I'd say value could be around $200-250.
Depends on who you're selling into, dealer or consumer. Little thing called "margin" dealers got, consumers don't got.