What is my coin worth

Discussion in 'Frequently Asked Questions' started by National dealer, May 29, 2004.

  1. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    Many people really love the "Mercury Head" or Winged Liberty Head dime, myself included. The design ran from 1916 to 1945. If you buy a roll of Mercury Head dimes, you will probably find the majority of them will be from the 1940's, mostly 1944 and
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  3. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    oops... 1945. Unfortunately, this is worth silver value plus a little, $1.25-$1.50. Still, I like it.
  4. Halochic

    Halochic New Member

    I have a question about a coin I need an honest answer
  5. Halochic

    Halochic New Member

    Can someone please text me EDITED I have a question about a coin I need an honest answer from a coin collector

    Do not put your phone number in a post or you will get robocalls from the owners of the 40 robots that copy such information. Same for addresses , etc. Jim
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2019
  6. Razz

    Razz Critical Thinker

    It could also be a fishing expedition by the OP. Some texts to certain numbers will cost the person sending a text a charge just to send the text. Then they have your number and know you have collectible coins and the con game starts. Never ever call back a hang up call if you do not know the number calling you as it is the same issue. Calling certain numbers automatically costs the caller and thats how scammers make their money.

    All that said, it is possible that the OP is just naive...but I would not chance it for the reasons above.
  7. kden

    kden Active Member

    I have an Italy 1918 double stamped 20 cent. I know this is quite common among those coins but many people have told me that this one is clearer than most they have seen. Any input on the value?

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  8. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    A 1918 struck over an 1895 20 cent, I think that only a buyer could answer that.
    Neat coin Kden.
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  9. kden

    kden Active Member

    Thank you thank you. Trying to figure out just so I have an idea of the value, I don't actually want to sell it. Hard to find someone who knows enough to give me an estimate, but how much would you pay for it?
  10. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

  11. Hebron8654

    Hebron8654 New Member

    Hello. I have a 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar I'd like some input on....can I post it here?
  12. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    It would be better to start your own thread with pictures.

    S3R3NDIPITY New Member

    I’ve got an ex-Douro 1871 Victoria sovereign.
  14. Goodfather

    Goodfather New Member

  15. Goodfather

    Goodfather New Member

    1974d quarter. Error obverse. One wing smaller than other and no line on outside of coin
  16. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    A clear photo that shows what you wrote above will make it possible for the forum to comment more accurately. The eagle is on the reverse of the coin and what line ? Welcome. Jim
  17. Rypkema

    Rypkema New Member

    Hello I found a 1989 penny that looks like it has pin pricks in it. Is it an error?
  18. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    Welcome to CT, without a picture it could be anything from trash to a very valuable error. It also helps to go to the "forums" tab at the top and make your own post.
  19. gmk51

    gmk51 New Member

    An honest answer would be REALLY HELPFUL.

    Ok. I am brand new to this - I know NOTHING. I inherited several 1964 JFK .50 coins.

    I have done some research about the coin and obviously I've seen all of these crazy prices for this coin, especially on ESTY.

    I have 12 JFK 1964 .50s.

    Of the 12, 11 still maintain a balanced silver color and look all -- just about the same.

    There is one that has turned a more gray/black and off-silver color -- it is the only out of all of them that looks like this. I took it to a jeweler friend yesterday (he's admittedly not a coin expert but he has the tools to view the coin closely).

    We noticed a few flaws or signals that were different than the other 1964s I have.

    1. A dangling 4 or teardrop? From what I've seen, most of the teardrop 4 coins have that drop in the front of the four. The one I have has a decent sized drop on the back side of the 4.

    2. Compared to the other 1964s, it has broken rays coming from the eagle on the back side. Several ray lines either stop before they get to a star or have a break or two somewhere from where they begin at the eagle.

    3. JFK's hair appears to be different than the other 1964s. It looks as if he has more of a mo-hawk, there is more space between the hair at the top, and the hair seems to touch or cross over the B, E, and R more than the others.

    4. This the last thing I've been able to notice and, as I said, I now nothing. There is a flaw that I believe is called an F flow" between the F ending half and the D beginning dollar on the back.

    5. With the limited magnifying ability I have, it looks like the G on the back does not have the "drop down line" on it. I know this feature has a name but I do not recall the exact term.

    The potentially errored coin has no mint mark, as do the ones I compared it to directly. I have several with no mint mark and a few with the D. I did not use the D marked coins to compare anything.

    What I do know is that when I put any on of the "shiny" 1964s next to the one different looking 1964 - I can see things on it that are not on the shiny one.

    I don't want to jump on here and think I have an SMS because apparently that is the pot of gold everyone seems to be looking for. What I can see is that I have one 1964 that looks different than the others and seems to have some of the features that make it unique.

    I guess my question is -- are there specific required error elements that qualify the coin to special, I know the things I listed above are all elements I've seen in the more rare 1964s but are there certain ones you must have, are there ones with elements that have to hit a so many flaws to make it unique or rare?

    I can attach pictures and will but I did not want to start uploading a bunch of images if what I have does not sound like it's anything special.

    Thoughts anyone?

    Thank you.
  20. slackaction1

    slackaction1 Supporter! Supporter

    PICS of both sides to begin with and these fellas will School you on the halves... they know errors, fakes, value and allot of good advice on what to do with your Inheritance.. pictures always helps..
  21. STU

    STU Active Member

    esty is not the place to go as they are selling them and are very high go to ebay it will tell you what the half dollars are selling for this will get a ball park figure. you should get the red book on coins it has all kinds of information and showes where if any errors are and then it also gives a price of what they are worth but that don't mean you will get that if you sell. spot price for 2 silver 1964 is 19.20 as a collector over 50 years the 1964 Kennedy is not worth lots of money I have every Kennedy half dollar made . there is one with really heavy accented hair proof 65 for 75.00 I have 500 1964 half dollars straight from the mint as far as my opinion there is no errors for this year except the one I described I could be wrong but I have not found any yet
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