What is a gold Phoenix coin?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Doc J, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. Doc J

    Doc J Mr. Brightside

    I did do a search. I tried gold Phoenix and "Gold Phoenix coins". Nothing.

    I have a 1979 Phoenix 1/4 troy ounce (120 grains) coin. I do not remember why I bought (or traded for it). I am just curious about what it is?

    Edit: I tried to post a picture, but it was not accepted. :scratch:
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    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Would love to help you but without a pic it's difficult.

    You say your pic was not accepted - try re-sizing your picture file size to less than 250kb and then you can upload it.
  4. Doc J

    Doc J Mr. Brightside

    I was trying to link a photobucket picture. It seemed to work before? I'd do an attachment, but it comes with an unfamiliar pop-up?

    I am confused. This link was shown as (deleting the IMG code):

    I've been a moderator on several sites, but I've never seen anything like this. I've seen other recent picture posts on this same site today today with this same ****** code.
  5. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

  6. Doc J

    Doc J Mr. Brightside

    I read it. What does it have to do with my post? My user name isn't EyeEatWheaties.

    Sorry. Did not GDP ask for pictures? It seems to me that he is reacting in a panic mode?

    I'll sign out. Thank you.
  7. ziggy9


    panic mode? I don't think so, cautious would be more accurate. I would prefer that he err on the side of caution than expose us all to an unwanted virus.

  8. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    If you read further on the virus thread, you'll see that all photobucket pics/links are censored temporarily. They can't just censor out pics from EyeEatWheaties, they have to cut out all photobucket links.

    So, just upload your pic to cointalk. It's easier anyway.

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    The Photobucket issue should be resolved today. Sorry for the inconvenience, but imagine what you'd say if 20 or 30 or 100 of you got a virus because we didn't catch something. And yes, it has happened before. Believe it not, people have knowingly and unknowingly posted infected pictures and files before.
  10. HawkeEye

    HawkeEye 1881-O VAMmer

    I know this is a really old post, but if you are still looking to the answer to the 1979 Gold Phoenix coin I can answer it. I was part of the sales team for the coin
  11. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    Well considering the thread is 6 years old and the guy who posted it hasn't been here in 9 months,he probably isn't too interested anymore,but go ahead and tellus about it anyway.
  12. HawkeEye

    HawkeEye 1881-O VAMmer

    Trying to respond to this has been quite a challenge and this ight show up multiple times, but here goes.

    In 1979 there was a bit of a financial panic. A customer of Trust Company of Georgia (now SunTrust) approached the bank with the thought of minting gold coins and marketing them through the bank's branches.

    The coins were minted in 1, 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 ounce as I remember. The sales lasted for a short time and the coins were more of a curiosity than investment. Perhaps it was the lack of government backing, but customers seemed a little standoffish about them.

    I was working at the bank at the time and worked on this project. I still have a 1/8 ounce and would love to put together a set.
    Doc J, -jeffB and ddddd like this.
  13. HawkeEye

    HawkeEye 1881-O VAMmer

    Sorry I forgot to say, but in 1979 Georgia had no branch banking beyond one contiguous county to a bank's home office. So in all likelihood these were marketed in Fulton and Dekalb Counties in Georgia and no where else.
    ddddd likes this.
  14. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    Thanks, Hawkeye, interesting.

    How about a picture
    ddddd likes this.
  15. Cascade

    Cascade CAC Variety Nerd

    Are you the same Hawkeye from VW?
  16. HawkeEye

    HawkeEye 1881-O VAMmer


    I will try for a pix but I only have the 1/8 ounce and it is surprising how small it is.
    Cascade likes this.
  17. HawkeEye

    HawkeEye 1881-O VAMmer

    I had a great deal of trouble scanning my coin because it is only the 1/8 ounce and they are small. The coins tend to be thicker than a Gold Eagle, so smaller in diameter. After a pretty thorough search I found this one which is a half ounce. You will see that they were .995 pure which in its day was pretty good.

    Suite 1448 as I remember was above bank space, so the Gold Phoenix Company was probably renting space and using our vault for security, but that is speculation. It was quite a while back when all this was happening. The building was 20 stories and everything above the 10th floor was rental as I remember.
    -jeffB likes this.
  18. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    no, from MASH
  19. Cascade

    Cascade CAC Variety Nerd

    Funny story. When Leroy & George were naming some of the vintage VAMs it was in the 70s & 80s so now you know where Scarface came from and Hotlips, that was a nod to M*A*S*H
  20. HawkeEye

    HawkeEye 1881-O VAMmer

    Not from M*A*S*H just way up here in the Georgia mountains.
  21. HawkeEye

    HawkeEye 1881-O VAMmer

    Yes, and I assume you are CascadeChris
    Cascade likes this.
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