What do you think?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Pickin and Grinin, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Eye appeal
    It is officially the winter, the "Mile High City" has now seen it's second recordable snow fall of the season.
    I have been off and on searching a Mint bag of 63's.
    What do you think?
    That obv jumped out of the handful.
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  3. Coins4Eli

    Coins4Eli Collector of Early American Copper

    A little banged up but it does have a very strong strike. For grade I am split between a 63 and a 64 RD. It does have good eye appeal. Over here in Missouri we haven't gotten any snow yet. :(
  4. mrweaseluv

    mrweaseluv Supporter! Supporter

    pretty sure she'll take a 63 if not higher.. nice find (though having a whole bag to search though is kinda cheating lol)
    Cheech9712 likes this.
  5. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    It's not cheating. You get to find many a different die pairings in different die stages. If you get lucky. You find a matching die stage and Pairing.
  6. mrweaseluv

    mrweaseluv Supporter! Supporter

    *hides the bags of state quarters...* nobody would do that lol
  7. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    You never know what you will come across. I have a bag of 68D that are hard to follow.
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
  8. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    Nice coin, are you going to have it graded? MS quality in my opinion, good luck.
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  9. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Maybe one day I will run a few into ANACS or to ICG. They are too fun right now to throw into an album or the cabinet. I don't have much faith in third party grading, and I don't buy to intentionally sell.
    Mr.Q likes this.
  10. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  11. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    It’s a shame that the reverse is a little banged up but still a great coin :)
    Cheech9712 and Pickin and Grinin like this.
  12. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    High luster Lincolns are the hardest for me to photo.
    Here is another look at the coin above.
    The fields are blazing with die polishing so getting the relief and the fields details is challenging.
    As you can see the coin is in a later die stage, at least the reverse shows some PIDT and the luster isn't nearly as vibrant.
    I changed the distance of the coin from the camera and these have a better in hand look except for over exaggerated gouge at 10 obverse that is hardly seen in hand.
  13. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

  14. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    As we all know MS grades are basically
    a luster grade the brighter the coin the
    higher the grade, I have even seen some
    rubs and distractions on coins in the 67
    range, so even with a little PMD I think
    your still looking good.
    Cheech9712 and Pickin and Grinin like this.
  15. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Looks like a small piece of copper on the coins rim.
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  16. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Thats strait from a $50 mint bag. There might be bag marks but not PMD.
    Cheech9712 likes this.
  17. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Thats the "What is that" thread.
    What is that? | Coin Talk
  18. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    The reverse looks really clumpy though
    looks like something abnormal happen to
    this coin some what along the line..LOL
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  19. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Wish you well in your efforts. Die pairing
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  20. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

  21. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    That’s funny
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