What Do You Think Is The Best Coin To Collect?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Maxim Hofstede, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. handsomeblueboy

    handsomeblueboy Kentuckyman

    I have a few coins that I go back and forth with mercury dimes, walking liberty's and my Kennedy's just can't make up my mind.if it catches my eye I , I have a hard time passing it up.
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  3. redcent230

    redcent230 Well-Known Member

    Like most of us already voice it about what they like to collect. I too like them Mercury, Walkers, Liberty Standing 25C, Jefferson and the other stuff. I have been collecting mostly what attract my eyes and even the newer stuff. But I really like the older stuff like Morgan's, Peace and Cap's. But funds are limited and so I bought and sell what I can to get what I wanted.
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