What do you say to the Teller who asks about all the coin you buy/dump

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by Hellofthenorth, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Hellofthenorth

    Hellofthenorth New Member

    So what does everyone say when asked the question "what do you do with all of the dimes/halves"?
    Post up your most creative responses.

    I simply tell them I like to collect coins with my daughter. We build albums and hopefully they will pay for her education someday or a downpayment on her first house. They typically eat that stuff up. I never mention silver, even though half of them know what we all are doing. I don't want to educate them to a point where they are buying up the silver from their teller trays.

    Some have said to me that others are looking for silver coins, I just say "that's interesting" and give them a smile.

    I mentioned how I work with a teller who is sniping coins from his tray. Thankfully they are prob paying him $12 an hour and he doesn't have the bank roll to buy a couple boxes of halves each week. I did go through a bad streak with boxes from him, but I've also gotten boxes from him with silver enders. I don't think he's messing with my order or anything like that, but it's the last thing I need is another hunter in my small town.

    Got to love the looks that people give when you roll into the bank with your daughter in one arm and a canvas bag with $500 in halves in the other. You proceed to fill the machine and have the bag changed 5 times...ha ha ha When will they learn to set the machine at a $500 limit so I can get out of there faster???

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  3. tristen1230

    tristen1230 New Member

    Well the first time I walked in they asked me why I wanted this many nickels and pennies. All I said was I collect them. After that they all know who I am and when I walk in they get themselves ready. I mean all of them like run around looking for what I need. XD I order too so that makes there lives easier. XD
  4. Atreides

    Atreides New Member

    I once told a teller that I work for an eccentric billionaire that pays me in change lol
  5. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I always just say I collect coins and like to look through them. Usually nobody pushes it any further.
  6. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

    I just say ''I'm an artist." and then they smile and nod and back away slowly.
  7. Yacorie

    Yacorie Junior Member

    My buy bank knows the we look through them for nice looking coins.

    Dump bank thinks I'm cashing in from a huge collection
  8. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    That was my initial excuse... once you are cashing in $3k a week and keep coming every week, though, excuse doesn't play out well.

    I LOVE this one, haha.
  9. Melina

    Melina Nickel Addict

    I say:

    "I'm a graduate student in college. One of my classes this year is requiring we do a statistics project so I decided to gather as many halves as possible and do some basic statistics on how many coins of each year are circulating compared to how many were minted in that year"

    That usually shuts them up :)
  10. AceFranklin

    AceFranklin Member

    I tell them my friend Wilbur loves to play with them at night time, and then I turn to my side and say...'Wilbur - Say hi to the nice people' then I get upset and yell 'NOW WILBUR THAT'S AWFUL BEHAVIOR...NO PLAYING WITH YOUR COINS TONIGHT! YOU'RE A BAD BOY!'
    That usually shuts em up too!
  11. newcoinguy

    newcoinguy Member

    These tellers all think we are nuts, most of them just smile and nod their heads and say to them selves " This guy thinks I am an idiot" and is lying through his teeth!

    They wish all coins would just go away all together. My banks absolutely hate coins, they hate getting them for me and really hate getting them from me. I have only found one bank ever that enjoyed getting me coins. The rest of them think coin collectors are a pain in the ass.
  12. newcoinguy

    newcoinguy Member

    I always tell them the truth, I collect coins and am trying to fill my albums and cross my fingers for what little silver I might find. I think they see the kind of work that goes into it and would never waste their time doing it them selves. Roll, Bag, or loose coin searching is fun to us but its a lot of work, very time consuming and sometimes a pain in the butt
  13. TouchOfGrey

    TouchOfGrey Member

    The bank I am getting my boxes from only has two employees. I just tell them I collect coins, and they save me any "weird coins" or loose halves. Since I'm not really looking for coins solely for the silver, I don't fell the need to say that. The town I live in is so small that they actually at this point enjoy having me come in... and I dump my coins back at the same bank I pick them up from, I just mark all of my rolls so they know not to give me the same ones back. I have a lucky situation.
  14. Walnut

    Walnut New Member

    Always courteous, when I buy, I tell them I collect. If they ask am I looking for silver I say yes. Most of them know about it. For me, I like to know what tellers are picking silver. I'd be less inclined to stop by that bank in the future. I prefer to chat up the tellers at my dump banks. I want them on my side, so I can continue to dump.

    I'd rather be honest and tell them what I am looking for. Occasionally, you will find a nice teller who will hold things for you. I don't begrudge them pulling silver. I do it.
  15. splintercellsz

    splintercellsz CTs Local DJ

    Out of not knowing what to say, I said fumbled on my words, and said, "I am making a coin sculpture."

    They believed it.
  16. jbyers23

    jbyers23 Member

    My first time buying a box quarters was also my first time getting a large amount of coins, so I kind of fumbled over my words. The teller asked me if I was sure I needed that much and I said " yea I have a lot of laundry to do".

    I haven't gone back to that bank. =/
  17. model77

    model77 Silver Stacker

    I've never been the first one to say the word "silver" I say I am a collector. They conclude what they will and if the converstation continues and silver comes up I am honest. I am always honest. It's a weakness :rolleyes:

    I opened the account with my pickup bank making it clear I inteneded to order boxes. they know exactly what I am doing and are very friendly and always wish me luck! My dump banks know what they know. If they don't ask anything I take my money and wish them a good day. If they ask where the heck I got all that change I say I am a collector I search for what I want out of them. If they know what that means then they know. if they don't they don't.

    I'm not wearing a "I heart Silver" t-shirt but I'm not sneaky either. I don't think my actions affect their decision to roll search or not.

    This topic begs another question for me, but I think I will start a different thread for it.
  18. noob76

    noob76 Member

    meh, maybe it is because i am young (20s), and have never found anyone under 50 that cares about coins, but i am usually straight-up honest. i tell them about the silver in the dimes, quarters, halves, and war nickels, and that there are some valuable dates in pennies and nickels that you might find, but probably won't.

    honestly, in all my years of role hunting and changing checking i've found 6 silver war nickels, 3 silver dimes, and a MS 1937 penny. I figure for maybe 15 bucks of finds, it isn't worth perhaps getting someone else interested in coin collecting.
  19. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    In my two years of roll searching, I've found $10k in silver. I keep my mouth shut as much as possible.
  20. Ryan625

    Ryan625 Senior Member

    When i buy nickels in boxes it is usually on a friday and i say im playing a badass game of poker. When i buy pennies they look at me funny and sometimes ask if i am buying them for a business, i just say nope, for personal use.

    When i dumped an entire box of brand new pennies and some nickels mixed in they asked why they were all shinny. i just said, i guess they were all pretty new and that was the end of conversation. I have never said anything about silver, just that i am a collector trying to fill date sets.

    In the end its really none of their business so i think i will take some of these off the wall reasons and use them in the future.
  21. jbyers23

    jbyers23 Member

    Wow! What the heck do you search?!? I would love to hear some tips!!!
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