Walker 1920 ,, 8 dollar pawn shop buy

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by 2x2 $averKrazy, Apr 11, 2019.


did I waist my money ?

  1. good buy

  2. bad buy

  3. real good buy

  1. 2x2 $averKrazy

    2x2 $averKrazy Hopelessly coined in

    found this in a junk silver box at my local pawn shop!!!
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  3. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    No pics? No answer.
  4. alurid

    alurid Well-Known Member

    Is it the 1947-D?
  5. 2x2 $averKrazy

    2x2 $averKrazy Hopelessly coined in

    1555002454678680116577675053917.jpg 15550024893806221006561780335235.jpg 1555002454678680116577675053917.jpg 1555002454678680116577675053917.jpg 15550024893806221006561780335235.jpg

    Attached Files:

  6. 2x2 $averKrazy

    2x2 $averKrazy Hopelessly coined in

    no it's 1920 P iposted pics
  7. Ag76

    Ag76 Coins 'n' history

    A buck or two below market price.
  8. atcarroll

    atcarroll Well-Known Member

    If you like it you didn't waste your money. I wouldn't have bought it though, the reason being my lcs would offer me melt for it if i tried to sell it to them.
    masterswimmer likes this.
  9. 2x2 $averKrazy

    2x2 $averKrazy Hopelessly coined in

    so your saying it's only worth melt by the guide says 120 in good so A G Carry's no premium?
  10. jonathan layne

    jonathan layne Well-Known Member

    if you buy a silver coin, it is always worth AT LEAST melt. it all depends who and how you are trying to sell it. some people dont like paying too much for coins. some are willing to work with you. in all honesty, i like that one. i think you got a decent deal on it. i also got a good deal like that. i bought a 1921 morgan silver dollar for $10. so it really all depends if you buy to sell or if you buy to add
  11. 2x2 $averKrazy

    2x2 $averKrazy Hopelessly coined in

    thank. you Johnathan I too thought . it was a good deal any time u can find a low mintage coin for a low price I say wooo whoo! ! good good for u too happy half hunting!!
    jonathan layne likes this.
  12. 2x2 $averKrazy

    2x2 $averKrazy Hopelessly coined in

  13. longshot

    longshot Enthusiast Supporter

    I think you're reading your guide wrong.
  14. 2x2 $averKrazy

    2x2 $averKrazy Hopelessly coined in

    meant to post the 21 bought at the same time my bad and humble appolgies scroll back you'll see the 21 sorry everybody! !
  15. longshot

    longshot Enthusiast Supporter

    I changed my vote then! Looks like something got the rim, but still a really good buy!
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2019
  16. atcarroll

    atcarroll Well-Known Member

    if you paid $8 for the 1921 you did well.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2019
  17. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    It's not 120 in good. It's around 15 in good, but this is a common coin
    and worth around what you paid for perhaps a dollar more. No one buys
    common coins in G condition.
    I did happen to pull a 1919-S for slightly over melt price from my gold/silver guy
    junk box and it's in much better shape than this. Prob VG, I will have to pull it out
    and take a look.
  18. 2x2 $averKrazy

    2x2 $averKrazy Hopelessly coined in

    i apologized I had my 20 confused with my 21 I was guessing the guide says 135 in good on the 21 sorry about that the thread should have read 21 not 20 sorry! scroll back you'll see the 21!!
  19. ksparrow

    ksparrow Coin Hoarder Supporter

    the 21 looks like it has some rim damage at 9:00. Too bad because otherwise a nice looking coin.
  20. 2x2 $averKrazy

    2x2 $averKrazy Hopelessly coined in

    the nick is probably why some one let it go u can see it on the back too like it got caught in some kind machinery ! but when i looked it up I got exited for eight dollars I ain't mad
  21. 2x2 $averKrazy

    2x2 $averKrazy Hopelessly coined in

    the nick is probably why some one let it go u can see it on the back too like it got caught in some kind machinery ! but when i looked it up I got exited for eight dollars I ain't mad
  22. Robert91791

    Robert91791 Well-Known Member

    That means its junk. Nobody wants it. You overpaid
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