View 100’s Still Not Seen a Dime Like This

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by OddFitt, Jul 1, 2023.

  1. OddFitt

    OddFitt New Member

    AHello all, I’m new to cointalk yet have collected off and on since my Pop Pop gave me a few coins he brought back from WWII.
    Found this 2004P Dime in a safe I bought years ago and recently rediscovered in my loose collection. I’ve searched many hours to find one similar to no avail…It weighs 2.3g and has ridges on the edge so it the right planchet but that’s as far as my search and knowledge has taken me. Please and Thank you to anyone whom can teach me or point me in the right direction as to find out if this is a mint, mechanical, human, acid or whatever type/cause of this error might be. Thank you for your time and interest!

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  3. LakeEffect

    LakeEffect Average Circulated

    I'm not smart enough to speculate how it happened but it's certainly an interesting looking coin.
    Cheech9712 and OddFitt like this.
  4. OddFitt

    OddFitt New Member

    That it is LE. That interest has taken up a lot of my free time…hahaha. Thank you for the comment and time
  5. LakeEffect

    LakeEffect Average Circulated

    99 times out of a 100 this type of coin is simply post mint damage. Neglected in a parking lot or abused in a work shop by someone with too much time on their hands.

    But yours has some interesting features that I can't figure out so I'll wait for others to comment what might be going on.
    OddFitt likes this.
  6. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    My guess is a micro torch. This year had outer layer of about 8% nickle and rest copper, with core all copper.Different metal expand at different rates under great heat maybe causing the "bubble appearance. I also see some tiny black specks on the surface so maybe the person doing it tried cleaning it. Not mint made that way. IMO, Jim
  7. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Absolutely 100% Post Mint Damage. ;)
    "Doesn't matter how it's been done."
    OddFitt likes this.
  8. OddFitt

    OddFitt New Member

    My thoughts lean in the same direction. Like you there is just a few things like the lettering not deformed and sitting on top of the elongated area etc.
    Again TY
  9. OddFitt

    OddFitt New Member

    Jim I appreciate you expanding on thoughts with the knowledge you laid down there. Makes it easier to see why certain details look as they do. Thanks for sharing some wisdom Jim.
    Cheech9712 likes this.
  10. OddFitt

    OddFitt New Member

    I trust your experience and respect your opinion. Personally I’m more interested in the coin/how even more. Like the first German coins I got as a kid… how who and why is what makes the coins matter. Who or what did it buy or how many battles or kings/queens/soldiers has it bought or saved etc etc. so thank you much for you comment and interest and I really your time SS66… but I think the How is more interesting then the Worth.
  11. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Your Welcome!
    I agree. However, this is not a WW2 coin or has anything to do with war. Sorry to disagree.
    Have a Great July 4th!!
    OddFitt likes this.
  12. OddFitt

    OddFitt New Member

    Enjoy you Independence Day also Sal. Thanks for the chat
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  13. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Could be a some clear adhesive on the Obverse.
    OddFitt likes this.
  14. OddFitt

    OddFitt New Member

    Are you aware of any beneficial purpose for that? Possibly just accidental pick-up along the way or again just someone with alot of time on there hands… appreciate it, I’ll have to get it under the scope and give it another look
  15. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Just pick at it with a sharp blade.
  16. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Coin Talk @OddFitt.
    That is an interesting coin for sure. Knowing the minting process, I can't think of a way that could be a mint error, so that leaves PMD. If you discover the "How" please do post it for us.
    OddFitt likes this.
  17. OddFitt

    OddFitt New Member

    Thank’s MM. Absolutely I will definitely share any findings as to how. With some of the thoughts/knowledge Iv received from the good members here, it’s given new avenues to research i hadn’t thought of previously.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
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