Very Cool LMC PMD.

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Brian Nguyen, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. Brian Nguyen

    Brian Nguyen Active Member

    I saw this in my old coins bin. As I recall, I found this a while back at my old job. I think its really neat PMD. I wonder, why would someone tried to done something like this? Whats are the purposed? Experiment lol? It is chrome looking color (Properly plated). Indeed, it might be a WAM :). Overall, its a nice piece of PMD. Just wanted to share. Any input are more than welcome. 20180805_230628-ccfopt.jpg 20180805_230524-ccfopt.jpg
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
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  3. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    What does the edge look like.
    This looks like thin metal strips just wrapped around. Pretty kewl looking.
  4. Brian Nguyen

    Brian Nguyen Active Member

    I will take a photo of the edge once I get home from work. The look alike metal strips was actually struck onto the coin. I just don't get why would someone tried to done something like that.
  5. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    For fun.
    Looks like they spent more time on the Reverse than the Obverse.
    The reverse was pushed down and rubbed into the design. The Obverse was more quickly strapped across and only a few areas rubbed across.

    I swear I've seen this before …. just trying to figure out from where ...
  6. Brian Nguyen

    Brian Nguyen Active Member

    You're right, they spent more time on the reverse as it was pushed down more into the design. My theory is that, this is the marker of a destroy coin from the Mint when it struck error (Just a Fun Fact). :)
  7. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    First, I thought metal strips, but they wouldn't show the lettering/curvature below to such detail. I'm thinking some sort of tape or banding material, followed by a plating.
    Brian Nguyen likes this.
  8. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    Yes to the metal strips. Aluminum foil was my first thought.

    But maybe they used something thinner such as metal foil, "leaf" type foil which is usually 1/10th or more thinner than household aluminum foil.

    They make it in all metals, Gold leaf, silver leaf, aluminum, etc. you can easily roll out metal too with a rolling mill to make super thin leaf strips of various metals.

    of course we've heard of gold leaf (copper, etc available)
    here is silver leaf ==>

    even nickel based white-gold ==>
  9. Brian Nguyen

    Brian Nguyen Active Member

    Very nice info Clawcoins. I never thought of it. Now, I'd known what has done to the coin. Whoever did it must've had a lot of spare time and was really creatived. I appreciated your inputs. Learned something new everyday.
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