Featured Verdigris....Make your own solution to eliminate this ugly corrosion

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Greg Clark, Nov 9, 2016.


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  1. Cincimatti

    Cincimatti Junior Member

    How exciting! I live in Kentucky too!

    I've always liked to think of my prized coins as "nothing to sneeze at".

    You forgot mother nature. The little paper mites that crawl around pooping on everything. The real reason coins darken in cardboard albums. First they cause speckles, and as time goes by, they brown the entire surface.
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  3. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor

  4. Cincimatti

    Cincimatti Junior Member

  5. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor

    I understand! I had lived with the myth that hurricanes didn't occur on the West Coast....Until one did a few weeks ago. 83 years since the last one. SO don't feel bad. :) Jim
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