Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Brandon Thames, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    Business is something I can speak to. I have been a businessman for many years. And because I practice and implement only the highest standards in my place, I have been far more successful than I deserve......

    Now, having said that I feel it appropriate to comment on what you have deemed abrasive here. I choose to participate on this forum because 98% of the folks posting here practice high standards and Uber-accurate information offered for no fee to folks such as yourself seeking information. This is an area that most of these guys have worked and studied for a lifetime and not to be taken lightly.

    Personally I am not an errors or varieties guy. But when I look at the image below, I see incused Stars. I am an avid hobbyist at best and have spent almost fifty years collecting classic US coins so this is not in my wheelhouse. But when I see an incused image on a coin, I see a coin that has been tampered with by an errant hand.

    Having said that, and because I highly value my business reputation I would be happy to sell such an item with the very clear understanding that this very likely may be damage. Should the purchaser choose to see it otherwise then so be it.

    Yes, reputation truly is everything in business as well as in life. It is a far more tangible asset than ego. At the end of the day... All a man has is his word. Value that.

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  3. Brandon Thames

    Brandon Thames New Member

    (Frankjg) Says you I guess, now we are trying to presume that it's a charitable offer. I assure you I need no charity here sir, lets just get that straight. It's obviously the price he put on it. That's all NUMISMATICS is after all. People dont buy the silver or copper which is only worth a fraction of what people are willing to pay, in NUMISMATICS they buy the story, the history, and the rarity. So what's the difference in him and anyone else on here? Because he thinks for him self and puts his own values on things rather then looking in a book to see how much it says something's worth, now he's wrong and your right. I didn't market this coin as anything. I actually just pulled it out to show the guy "which I've known for years by the way". when he offered to pay me $75 for it just like that. I had no intentions on selling it until I recieved the offer. He was so quick to offer me $75 that I told him that I'd like to find out more about it first. So I was looking up error coins and ran across brockage coins. It was the closest bill the coin fit and I found some brockage coins that looked similar to the one I have. That's is why I referred to it as such. I thought that maybe I could ask around and find out more on the coin but it seems like alot of people on here wanna be internet warriors instead of the mentors Im told I need. It really just seems like a few people on here wanna actually be helpful, but others are just to lazy or self righteous to ask questions and find out the whole story before jumping to conclusions. I would have wrote a whole story before I asked the question but go figure, I thought a simple question would get simple answers.
    RonSanderson and Cheech9712 like this.
  4. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Not even sure its real. What do you want these members to do. WTMI.
  5. Brandon Thames

    Brandon Thames New Member

    And to you Randy Abercrombie, Thank you Sir. Calm and Courteous with your words, yet still able to get your point across. I definitely understand that there is a wealth of knowledge here and that is exactly why I posted my question to this forum. I honestly figured that as a coin enthusiast and collector since teenage years I would be welcomed as the future of this hobby but instead I was accused of trying to get over on people and told that I shouldn't be a dealer. I assure you I take my reputation as well as customer satisfaction very seriously. If I dont know about a coin I'll be the first to say so. I have already told the gentleman what I was told here and by golly he still wants to buy the coin. I told him the flack Ive recieved on here and he laughed and said, I wonder what they would say if you told em I gave you a hundred.

    I am very Novice to selling coins and I'll be quick to admit it. I'm only 33 and alot of my adult life so far was spent in the military. But now as I progress in life I find myself more and more enthusiastic about coins and the history behind them. I see my self as the future of NUMISMATICS, not someone just trying to make a quick buck off of coins. So to be welcomed with all the negativity is truly disappointing to say the least.
    RonSanderson and Cheech9712 like this.
  6. Brandon Thames

    Brandon Thames New Member

    Just give their thoughts Cheech, its that simple!
    Cheech9712 likes this.
  7. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Looks like it was squeezed on the edge just enough for person selling such coin. Will be not saying enough to the buyer what it really is. JUNK. Sleep tight cuz most dishonest will
  8. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    Thank you for your service. I started my young adult life in the US Army fighting the Cold War on a nuclear launch site. If you apply the value system you learned serving this nation to your business and personal life... You will do very well. And again, don’t misunderstand the folks here. Often words shared in a forum do not tell the entire story. Something I have struggled with since the advent of the internet. Intent seldom translates well in a forum format.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2018
  9. Brandon Thames

    Brandon Thames New Member

  10. Brandon Thames

    Brandon Thames New Member

    Thanks alot Randy Abercrombie I appreciate it a lot. And Thank you for your service as well. I guess I will leave the discussion here. I have recieved enough opinions from here to rest assured that it is not a brockage but infact a squeeze job. I thank everyone here for that knowledge. I guess it ain't the way I would have preferred to gain the knowledge I did, but I can say I'll never forget it. Thanks to all on here. I appreciate all of your opinions and hope to one day be considered a peer amongst you!
    Cheech9712 and Randy Abercrombie like this.
  11. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    So sorry. Me being me. I love a fair and square deal. Heart on sleeve kinda gal. Hope you understand
  12. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

  13. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    It's worth 100 Doll Hairs :hilarious:

    I found this thread from 2018 and I still can't believe that this person actually thought it was a brockage :facepalm:
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  14. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    paddyman98 likes this.
  15. robbudo

    robbudo Indian Error Collector

    I just hope the person who buys it for $75 posts it on here or another of the 30 boards we're all on, so we call tell them we'd previously identified it as damaged.
    paddyman98 likes this.
  16. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    I agree. Puzzled as always
  17. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Take the 75 and take him to lunch
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