USA £1 Mule: Why?

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by marbury518, Oct 1, 2024 at 8:13 AM.

  1. marbury518

    marbury518 Marbury

    I purchased this note, though not arrived yet. It was described as a Mule and after reading what one is and looking at the note......I can't see why. Please explain. Thanks.....marbury image00.jpg image005.jpg
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  3. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

  4. Spark1951

    Spark1951 Accomplishment, not Activity

    I could be wrong, but I think it is a similar mule to the one in the link provided by @Lon Chaney … The back plate is F73/2000, and if I read the link article right, then this back plate # was also one used for a series with Burke as Treasurer.

    Since it was used on an Elliot-White front plate, it is a mule too…imo…Spark
  5. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Here's mine for comparison 20240530_203738.jpg 20240530_203801.jpg
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  6. marbury518

    marbury518 Marbury

    I must sound unappreciative but I thought the members from the US would spot it a Brit has no chance it seems.
  7. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Alright, I figured it out. I have one of these, raw, I'll check it tonight.
    Anyway, here's the correct backplate number position:
    And here's the position for the mule note:

    And a blurb from HA:
    "For Fr-38 and 39s the non-mule back plate number location is at approximately 4:30 on the left-hand side of the open space area and the mule location is at 6:00 of the left-hand side open space area."
    Troodon and LakeEffect like this.
  8. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Yours is Fr. 36, so different signers.
  9. marbury518

    marbury518 Marbury nothing very exciting......but at least now I know.........much appreciated
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  10. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    I forgot I had a pdf with my currency collection on this computer. Mine is Speelman/White, Fr.39. No mule.
    Troodon likes this.
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