US FRN Scanning Problem

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by kanga, Sep 7, 2024.

  1. kanga

    kanga 65 Year Collector

    I list US currency on eBay, mostly $1 FRN notes.

    My scanner works fine and gives me good images which I then crop and resize with Power Point.
    I've had no difficulty with $1 notes and the few $2 and $5 notes I've scanned have caused me no grief.

    BUT the few larger face value notes I've tried run into the situation that my scanning software has currency anti-scanning protection built in.
    Makes sense; it's protection from making counterfeit/fake currency.
    But I'd like to list legitimate US currency for sale/auction on eBay.
    It's done by other sellers.
    But how?

    I have a good SLR camera.
    Is that what I'll have to use to image my notes?

    Are there other options?
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  3. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

    Do you have a cell phone?
    I use that for all my images.
    I just took this. 20240907_115508X.jpg
    SensibleSal66, Dynoking and Troodon like this.
  4. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    I don’t sell but I do get decent photos with my cell phone. I can crop them as well so if you can avoid spending the money it may work out for you.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  5. Dave M

    Dave M Francophiliac

    You can use different software to scan with your current scanner. VueScan, from is a good scanner. Check to make sure your scanner is listed on their site, and you can even (I'm pretty sure) get a temporary copy for free that you can use to confirm it works.
  6. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    I think the best option is the DSLR, Kanga. It's a little more work but it will get the job done.
    Cheech9712 likes this.
  7. kanga

    kanga 65 Year Collector

    Thanks for the responses.
    Now I just have to take the time to see what works best for me, cell phone or SLR camera.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  8. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    All you need is a decent Cell phone and a little patience. ;)
  9. Jersey magic man

    Jersey magic man Supporter! Supporter

    If your scanner ever worked for the larger notes, try and find an earlier version of your scanner's software and reinstall. My scanner automatically updates, and I found the same problem. Old software works of but is a pain to reinstall often.
  10. kanga

    kanga 65 Year Collector

    Ah ha!
    With my wife's help I've got the process working (the cell phone option).
    Takes a while but I don't have many larger face value notes to deal with.
    (The cell phone and I don't get along very well.)

    Because of short-term memory problems I'll still probably have to bug the heck out of her.
    Eventually I should have them all listed.
    Sold is another situation.
    But I keep inching my asking price down every so often and that helps getting them sold.
  11. SteveInTampa

    SteveInTampa Always Learning

    Although I have a scanner, sometimes I use my phone. It’s easy. This photo is typical of the setup. I use the timer and set it for 3 seconds. That way, the phone doesn’t shake when I tap the button to take the photo.

    Paddy54 and Troodon like this.
  12. clayirving

    clayirving Supporter**

    FYI – Your problem scanning larger denomination notes is most likely the result of EURion Constellation:
  13. Numbers

    Numbers Senior Member

    Probably not, actually -- if you look toward the bottom of that article, it points out that while *photocopiers* seem to look for those circles, *scanners* mostly seem to look for the Digimarc embedded in the fine lines of the background tint. (I found this out myself when trying to scan some small details of currency designs -- even when all the Eurion circles were hidden by post-it notes, my scanner could still recognize that it was seeing currency, and refuse to scan it.)
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