Unusual short lived coin of Eastern Turkestan

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by Loong Siew, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. Loong Siew

    Loong Siew Well-Known Member

    Found this unusual coin from a dealer years ago. Came recently to realise it was a short lived Eastern Turkestan 20 cash issued when Xinjiang tried to declare independence during the Republic of China years. Crudely struck and of poor design but short lived and interesting fit to my silk road series.

    Ag76, Parthicus, Muzyck and 8 others like this.
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  3. Finn235

    Finn235 Well-Known Member

    Very cool! I've always had a fondness for these ephemeral states during the great communist upheavals of the 1910s-1940s.
    Loong Siew likes this.
  4. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    I have one that looks a bit different. You can see the crossed flags of the host coin from Sinkiang on the reverse.

    Islamic Republic of Eastern Turkestan

    Islamic Republic 20 Cash obv.jpg
    Islamic Republic 20 Cash rev.jpg
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2019
    Loong Siew likes this.
  5. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    A variation on the same theme, Uighuristan Republic

    Uighuristan Y D38 2 obverse.jpg
    Uighuristan Y D38 2 reverse.jpg
    Loong Siew likes this.
  6. Loong Siew

    Loong Siew Well-Known Member

    Thanks @Finn235 .. same here.. these ephemeral states are also one of my favourite themes.. How many came and go lost in history.. if not for this coin o wouldn't have heard of such a state at all..
  7. Loong Siew

    Loong Siew Well-Known Member

    @Muzyck Fantastic pieces.. You have both the Turkestan and Uighuristan types as well.. I'm jealous
  8. Loong Siew

    Loong Siew Well-Known Member

    Wished Incould read the Arabic inscriptions
  9. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    They don't seem to show up on the market that often so I purchased tham without spending much time thinking about the cost. As it turns out the Uighuristan piece I originally wanted was a lesser grade but the seller listed it by mistake. He offered the one I have here at a lower price!
    Loong Siew likes this.
  10. Loong Siew

    Loong Siew Well-Known Member

    You made the right choice and a great bargain my friend
    Muzyck likes this.
  11. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    I have long had an interest in coins from this area but in my early collecting days they were few and far between and out of reach of my budget. I now have a nice collection gong back to the 13th century Chagatai Khanate coins from Almaliq. I have considered starting a Sinkiang thread, but there does not seem to be much interest here for coins from this area.
    Loong Siew likes this.
  12. Loong Siew

    Loong Siew Well-Known Member

    You and I have much in common then. I wrote a couple of posts on silk road coins primarily on the ancient coins forum. Sinkiang coins are one of my favourites but I am rather selective on types.. The Chinese cash types and dragons are my favourites as well as the unusual dzungarian puls
  13. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    I do like those puls. I have a a number of them but at least a couple are suspicious. I have confidence that this one is authentic.

    XINJIANG Tsewan Arabtan c1695-1727 obverse less 15.jpg
    XINJIANG Tsewan Arabtan c1695-1727 reverse less 15.jpg
    Loong Siew likes this.
  14. Loong Siew

    Loong Siew Well-Known Member

    This is real.. Tsewang Rabtan. Great condition for type as well.. these are getting much scarcer and pricier now
  15. Loong Siew

    Loong Siew Well-Known Member

    Some of mine

    20170902_164942.jpg 20170902_162758.jpg
    Muzyck likes this.
  16. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    Nice patina on that Khardan Chirin.

    It is a shame that there are so many convincing fakes being sold today. There is one dealer in Europe that is even selling fakes cast in silver
    Loong Siew likes this.
  17. Loong Siew

    Loong Siew Well-Known Member

    It’s true.. the real ones are fetching more than a hundred bucks these days.. the noveou rich Chinese collectors are really pushing the prices up big time now.. used to be pretty cheap
  18. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    Something looks really wrong with your coin Loong. I'm afraid it looks more like a contemporary counterfeit. I've got a few of these coins. The Arabic inscriptions look completely different.
  19. Loong Siew

    Loong Siew Well-Known Member

    Hi.. indeed the Arabic series look pretty different. O cant read it but basing it on overall make and other factors.. Perhaps you are right although I sourced this from a pretty reliable old dealer in Thailand. Maybe a different inscription? Not sure but I'm open for supported discussions...
    Muzyck likes this.
  20. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    I don't remember how many of the 20 cash coins I have - perhaps 4 but all of them except one are overstruck over Xinjiang 10 cash. The other one if I remember correctly is overstruck over Empire 10 cash which I suspect is a contemporary counterfeit.

    As an example, you can see that on Muzyck's example, the inscriptions start as "1ror" however your example is "wi". I don't believe that is the correct inscription unless it is an unknown variety. Judging by the crudeness of the script, I have my reservation
    Loong Siew likes this.
  21. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

    This is my latest Uighuristan purchase. The seller had it listed only as a Singkiang 10 cash with a poor photo so it sat unclaimed for a while. It's not pretty but it didn't cost that much. The condition of this coin is closer to my others with typical weak strikes and corrosion.

    Sinkiang China Uighuristan 10 cash 1933 obv A less 10.jpg
    Sinkiang China Uighuristan 10 cash 1933 rev A less 10.jpg
    Loong Siew likes this.
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