ungraded China: Kwangtung province (1920) silver Twenty (20) Cents

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by Silverpop, Dec 2, 2024.

  1. Silverpop

    Silverpop Well-Known Member


    for a 104 yr old coin doesn't look too bad of shape and I gather it has seen much use in its lifetime despite looking like it had very little use
    lordmarcovan and alurid like this.
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  3. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    Just make sure the weight matches spec. I have counterfeit coins of this type.
  4. Silverpop

    Silverpop Well-Known Member

  5. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    5 grams is too low for this type. Believe it is around 5.3 - 5.4 grams.
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