Uncut sheets of $1, $2 and $5 bills

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by LuAili, Nov 20, 2017.

  1. LuAili

    LuAili New Member

    I have several sets of uncut sheets of four bills from the World Reserve Monetary Exchange in black folios-- all from 2003 (see attached photos). How can I figure out how much they are worth? I've been on eBay and values vary widely.I want to sell them to a dealer but need to know the ballpark value so I don't get taken. 2017-11-20 $5 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $5 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $2 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $2 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $2 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $5 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $2 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $5 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $2 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $5 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $5 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $2 uncut sheet.jpg 2017-11-20 $2 uncut sheet.jpg

    Attached Files:

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  3. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    First, welcome to the neighborhood @LuAili !

    To be honest, the certificate from the World Reserve Monetary Exchange is meaningless. While the $5 star notes will probably be worth a premium, I don't think there will be any added value for the $2 notes. I could be wrong since I don't really collect paper money. May I ask what you paid for them?

  4. LuAili

    LuAili New Member

    I don't know what they cost originally. I've inherited them from my family member.
  5. Dave M

    Dave M Francophiliac

    Current (2013) sheets of these are available from the BEP for $18, $22 and $39. They are not the same year as the ones you have, but should give you an idea of retail value.
  6. LuAili

    LuAili New Member

    Probably a stupid question but are earlier years of lesser/greater/similar value as the current year?
  7. Dave M

    Dave M Francophiliac

    Depends on the demand, I don't know. But I would expect them to be similar. I would poke around on eBay for the same dates, that may give you an idea.
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