Two Likes for each Message

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Inspector43, Jan 11, 2025.

  1. Inspector43

    Inspector43 More than 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    I evened out this week at 2 to 1
    22,000 Likes for 11,000 Messages
    Thanks everyone.
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  3. BuffaloHunter

    BuffaloHunter Short of a full herd Supporter

    There’s another “like” for you, Dave. I enjoy reading your posts. Keep them coming!
    Inspector43 and masterswimmer like this.
  4. Inspector43

    Inspector43 More than 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    Thanks for the great feedback.
    derkerlegand and BuffaloHunter like this.
  5. expat

    expat Remember you are unique, just like everyone else Supporter

    Here is another one, hope there is many more, always interesting.
    Inspector43 likes this.
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