Trying to Make a List of How to Get Cheap Silver

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Dj Shift, May 18, 2015.

  1. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

    Another good idea, not sure if i can do that though being as i'm just 19 and working as a floater at a retail store.
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  3. coloradobryan

    coloradobryan Well-Known Member

    The biggest nugget found out here in Summit county that I know of was worth 500 dollars... back in the 20's. That would be around 25 OZ! There are still huge piles of rocks left from the dredges outside of Breckenridge.
  4. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

    I see people doing that on craigslist every once in a while and have wondered if it would be worth while.
  5. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

    You really should then! You never know, you be the one to break that record.
  6. coloradobryan

    coloradobryan Well-Known Member

    That would be great to say the least.. There is so much out here, who knows what you could find. Once most of the snow melts, I'm going to do some panning in the rivers around here. Way too cold right now though. Just got a foot of snow last week, and have had some avalanches at work..
  7. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

    Lol. And i thought my area got a lot of snow. You got a foot in May!

    Well, i still do think my area, upstate NY, gets a lot of snow but you've definitely beat me.
  8. coloradobryan

    coloradobryan Well-Known Member

    I've seen snow every month of the year up here, may be a few flakes, but it's still snow! I work at 11000 feet and live at 9500 feet, so not that unusual to get snow. Really nice summers with temps rarely ever getting over 80, and usually in the low 70's.
  9. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    Some solders are made out of silver alloy. Most people wouldn't think solders are worth much. If you can obtain such solders and refine them cheaply, you might have a winner. This was not a bad idea when silver was at 50USD/ounce.
  10. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Ugh. Maybe, but most silver-bearing solders contain less than five percent silver, and they tend to be used in small amounts. Unless you find some pretty unusual sources, you'd have a hard time finding enough silver to be worthwhile among all the tin, copper, and (from older stuff) lead.
  11. Revi

    Revi Mildly numismatic

    I call that poaching, and it really ticks off the people who are buying. I showed up before the guy who was buying in a hotel, and checked out some of the stuff the other people were going to sell, and told them what it was worth. That really got him riled, because that way they had an clue.
    Numismat likes this.
  12. Numismat

    Numismat World coin enthusiast

    You pee'd off Rick from Pawn Stars... nice! :)
  13. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

    Ah, a risk of murder. Probably not worth it then.
    coloradobryan and Revi like this.
  14. Revi

    Revi Mildly numismatic

    Hey, he wasn't there. I was just checking out what the other people had while I was waiting to ask him if he was selling any silver coins. I like the foreign and older coins, so I thought he might be willing to sell some. After he saw that I was giving people advice on the value of their silver, he didn't want to talk to me at all. I left.
  15. Blaubart

    Blaubart Melt Value = 4.50

    There's a lost and found sale twice a year at the university where I work. It's all the unclaimed stuff that's turned in to the lost and found at the central information desk. Lots of water bottles, sunglasses, gloves (or just one glove), scarves, calculators, ipods, ipads, flash drives, jewelry, etc..
  16. joecoincollect

    joecoincollect Well-Known Member

    One big area you left out is flea/antique markets. I live to go to these. I'd say 7 times out of 10 I profit significantly (Ie, I can make an easy 50-100+ profit from my finds). For instance, I recently bought 5 individual proof silver quarter sets for 5 each. I explicitly said aren't these sets silver and he said no. His loss. I paid 5 each, 25 for 5 sets. As you can see, I got a lot of silver for free. With these kinds of sets, I've now picked them up like this 3-4 times now. Apparently the sellers can't read or don't care to read that the sets say Silver Proof Set. With going to these places, you have to be knowledgeable about coins in order to score. It's not always as simple as finding a silver bracelet not marked as silver. Usually I just know what is a reasonable price for coins at these places and only pick up great deals. A little knowledge can go a long way
  17. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

    Ah, gotcha. Probably only for teachers/staff right?
  18. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

    True, i did forget about those. I know a guy who goes to them for silver flatware and milk jugs and always makes quite a profit off them afterwards. Would probably be a great place for coins though.
  19. ocjoe949

    ocjoe949 Active Member

    If you go this route, don't get caught, don't get greedy, and for christsakes don't brag or tell anyone. :D
  20. mikem2000

    mikem2000 Lost Cause

    I would say wait a year or so and pick up all you want for about $12.50
  21. Dj Shift

    Dj Shift Active Member

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