Trends in Value

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by kanga, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. kanga

    kanga 65 Year Collector

    I'm updating my coin inventory (something always seems to fall through the cracks).
    And updated their value too.
    For my Peace Dollars the keys and semi-keys went up in value.
    The lesser date/mm coins lost value.

    I'll have to see if this continues in other series.
    I'll try to remember to update my observations in here.
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  3. C-B-D

    C-B-D Well-Known Member

    What resource are you using for "value"?
  4. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    The common pieces dropped with the value of silver.
  5. kanga

    kanga 65 Year Collector

    It doesn't matter as long as I'm consistent, i.e., use the same resource each time.
    The values may not be absolute (such as recent auction results) but for a trend I can work with relative values (percentage up or down).

    But to answer your question I used Coin World -- both times.
  6. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER


  7. kanga

    kanga 65 Year Collector

    I find it disturbing that common date Peace Dollars in MS-64 or -65 are affected by the silver spot.
    I can't disagree with you; I don't have any evidence to the contrary.
    But the fact that the silver spot can reach out and affect grades that high is a bit scary.
  8. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank


    Too many at those grades will be effected by silver values.
  9. Endeavor

    Endeavor Well-Known Member

    I don't really find it that bad or surprising. Remember silver reached $49/oz before dropping to it's current $16/oz price. That's 3x the current price. So if COMMON DATE (and not scarce or rare grade) peace dollars dropped "a little" (say 10-20%), I don't think it's bad actually.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2015
  10. kanga

    kanga 65 Year Collector

    This I can understand.
    Supply has outstripped demand.
    Probably not so much because there are more of them but because tight collector budgets have lowered demand.
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