Trade Dollars 1902 and 1911 - Thoughts?

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by Coinismatics2000, Nov 6, 2024.

  1. Hi All,

    Picked both of these two up British Trade Dollars for under £100 alongside some other bits...
    Thought it was a great deal... especially as the 1911 dollar seems to be in XF condition.
    I was hoping someone could explain why the 1911 is so dark/dirty?
    1902 has a harsh clean, unfortunately.

    What do we think the value of these are?


    20241106_171134.jpg 20241106_171155.jpg 20241106_171152.jpg 20241106_171129.jpg

    Attached Files:

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  3. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    Being a US collector, I have no idea what they may be worth, but those are some mighty good looking coins.
    Coinismatics2000 likes this.
  4. The Eidolon

    The Eidolon Well-Known Member

    For the darkness, maybe they tend to oxidize more around the perimeter?
    Mine has a similar pattern. I picked up mine cheap because of the countermark. UK Trade Dollar 1911 B copy.jpeg
    Coinismatics2000 likes this.
  5. Ah thank you good sir
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
  6. Dafydd

    Dafydd Supporter! Supporter

    Fantastic buy at about half retail. Take a look on eBay at 1911 plated trade dollars carefully and check the weights. 1911 needs scrutiny but this is outside of my knowledge although I do have one. Thank you for sharing .
    Coinismatics2000 likes this.
  7. Thanks mate I'm going to weigh it tomorrow... I will share the results.
    Fingers crossed...
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
  8. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    Good luck, I kind of want one too, but have shied away at the prices
  9. I was the same until I came across these two...

    They were in a coin album at auction which contained quite a lot of junk apart from the last page where I found these two, plus some victorian silver.
    Thinking ill flip these if I get the chance!
    Kentucky and Dafydd like this.
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