Tips on making Uncirculated Bills more machine friendly/readable

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by brad3436, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. brad3436

    brad3436 New Member


    I have a few thousand uncirculated bills that are leftover and need to be deposited in a bank. Last year, when I did this, the teller went through hell passing the bills through the machine. It took forever as the bills kept jamming up and also held up the line. Any tips on making the bills more readable? I know I can rough them up, but I don't want to rough them up more than needed to where:
    - The bills circulation life is unnecessarily shorten
    - The bills are too damaged to process through the machine.

    Any proven best practices out there?
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  3. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    The machine should not have a problem with this. They need to fix it.
    moneycostingmemoney and Muzyck like this.
  4. SteveInTampa

    SteveInTampa Always Learning

    Rassi likes this.
  5. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    Try and change a bunch of the grungiest ones for a larger denomination bill before going in.
    Take a hundred or a fifty that you have personally,
    and buy that much in scrungy bills, and then just spend them.
  6. tommyc03

    tommyc03 Senior Member

    Could be that the reader lens has become clouded or otherwise damaged.
  7. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    I thought these were circulated. Never mind.
    There's no reason the machine shouldn't take them.
    To keep them from sticking together, reverse every other one, upside down and backwards, front and upright, reverse and upside down, etc.
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