This Week in History from Vcoins

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Bing, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    I was posting this history every week on the other forum and would like to continue here if members would like. If so, it would be nice to show a coin from the emperors highlighted in the history lesson.

    01/27 98 AD Nerva dies of apoplexy at Rome. Nerva was the first emperor elected by the Roman Senate. They elected him on the year 96 after Domitian had been assassinated. He only reigned for two years but was considered by historians to be a wise emperor. He discontinued many festivals and did not allow gold or silver statues of himself to be built, and tried to create a relationship with the lower class Roman people.
    The Praetorian Guard revolted and killed Nerva’s friends and advisors in 97 AD. Having no successor, he adopted Trajan, who would succeed him after his death. Nerva suffered a stroke and died a week after, on 27 January, 98. He was deified after soon by the Senate.
    [HR][/HR]01/28 98 AD Trajan assumes throne following Nerva's death. In the middle of the revolts caused by the Praetorian Guard, Nerva chose Trajan as his successor. Trajan was the governor of Upper Germany, and was much more popular than Nerva. He created an extensive public building program; many of which can still be seen in Rome today. He also enriched the empire by expanding their territory with his campaigns, Rome was the largest in history with Trajan. Trajan was the second of the “Five good emperors”. He died of a stroke on 9 August, 117 AD. [HR][/HR]01/30 133 AD Didius Julianus born at Milan. Didus Julianus was Roman Emperor for nine weeks during 193 AD, after the assassination of his predecessor, Pertinax. Having been raised by Domitia Lucilla, mother of Marcus Aurelius, he had a long governmental career, having been a Quaestor, Edile, Praetor, Praefectus and Consul before becoming Emperor. He wasn’t a regular successor; he bought the throne from Pertinax’s Praetorian assassins, who would sell it to the man who paid the highest price. He was killed three months later by a soldier.
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  3. Windchild

    Windchild Punic YN, Shahanshah

    Please continue Bing....
  4. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Thanks for the history lesson, Bing!

    I'll look forward to more.

  5. bobbyhelmet

    bobbyhelmet Member

    Always good to read Bing :thumb:
  6. Ripley

    Ripley Senior Member

    Nerve fouree -

    Trajan -

  7. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    My Nerva


    My Trajan
  8. willieboyd2

    willieboyd2 First Class Poster

    A few weeks ago Emperor Gaius turned 2,000 years old.

    AKA Caligula.

  9. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    Thanks for the update, Bing .... sadly, I don't have any coins from those three rulers to post in this thread ...

    => beautiful coins, Mat & Ripey!!

  10. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    Trajan 7_opt.jpg
  11. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    wha? ... Nobody has a "Didius Julianus"?

    => ranked 134th outta 207 on the ol' ERIC-II rarity-scale!! (that would be a pretty rare coin ... only 97 coins outta 233,056 sampled)
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