This quarter has a lot of things going on with it.

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by MeowtheKitty, Feb 21, 2019.

  1. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Meow found this quarter today CRH. It is surely not worth anything, but it caught Meow's eye. It feels a bit different in the paw too. Meow will describe it:

    Decently Circulated.
    Odd patina/corrosion.
    Shiny, yet dull at the same time
    Very high rim, almost like a dryer coin. Yet it is not small in circumference.
    Has a rim gouge by the date.
    Has a rim ding right by the greased die part.
    Heavy greased die in doLLAr, yet part of the letters are very strong.
    A bit hard to tell because it is circulated, but it looks like the whole coin was minted with lightly greased die.

    Meow has not ever found a coin like it. Just a real unusual look and feel.
    WIN_20190220_23_44_54_Pro.jpg WIN_20190220_23_45_06_Pro.jpg WIN_20190220_23_46_05_Pro.jpg WIN_20190220_23_46_32_Pro.jpg WIN_20190220_23_46_50_Pro.jpg WIN_20190220_23_46_56_Pro.jpg WIN_20190220_23_47_06_Pro.jpg WIN_20190221_00_03_41_Pro.jpg WIN_20190221_00_16_34_Pro.jpg
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  3. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    You are confusing a dryer coin with a spooned coin. A dryer coin would have the rim rounded and folded inward into the field. The high rim is probably due to a High Pressure Strike.
  4. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    OK, yea it is quite a bit higher than usual adding to the oddness of this quarter.
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