This is why I like Amanda's and Charmy's coin show write ups...

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by phankins11, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. phankins11

    phankins11 Well-Known Member

    Although I've been a computer nerd all my life and have used forums, email, facebook, etc as long as I can remember I've always felt the anonymity of forum members somewhat limiting in connecting to them on a personal level.

    I'm a people person. I like to meet new people, I like socializing, I like knowing who people are, in the hobby and outside the hobby. I've always been that way. So when I come here and read and converse...i get left with wanting to know who these people are, what are they like...what do they look like?

    Well over the past several months as I've read @The Penny Lady® and @Amanda Varner posts on their coin show adventures and perused their pics of all the people that stop by and meet them. I get to see some of who you guys really are. I like that.

    I get it, in a hobby like this one, online, you wanna stay somewhat under the radar, and the attempts at "Show us your real self" always end up in the most hilarious of shenanigans so nothing is ever really learned about who people are.

    Well, I've been keeping track and Amanda's and Charmy's reports have given me the opportunity to create my own directory of sorts :) that way I know who I'm talking to for some of you folks. So here's My updated directory list of coin talk nicknames and avatars to real people pictures.

    I hope that since these are already out there in the inter webs in Charmy's and Amada's blogs, that it won't put off those I've named :) and to be fair I've included myself.

    First up we have @Burton Strauss III - I've always get a lot out of your posts a numismatist at heart for sure.

    Next up @illini420 - Again I always get something out of your posts. I've visited your website and looked at your registry set briefly (links in your sig)


    Next there's @rzage - I sent Rusty one of those little cheap cell phone microscopes. I hope its proved useful. Rusty always has great information to share.

    And then there's Frank....nuff said :) - Frank and I Just agreed yesterday on an AU 1932 S Washington quarter grade...when frank agreed with my assesment, something inside of me was *real* proud of that...not sure why...but it felt good


    And lastly there's me...

    Just me

    Me after a fried got hold of a pic and found out l like coins and old money


    And me as I would look in an episode of the walking dead


    Great to meet all you guys in picture. Thanks Charmy and Amada for the blogs and updates.
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  3. Jwt708

    Jwt708 Well-Known Member

    I agree and I like those parts of their trip/show reports and find it interesting to see what the you guys and gals out there in the internet look like...if I wasn't on my tablet I would post a picture. Maybe later if this thread keeps going and I remember.
    phankins11 likes this.
  4. ace71499

    ace71499 Young Numismatic

    photo.JPG Great to put some faces to screen names!
    I think i posted a picture of myself on one of these threads...
    Edit: Found it. Look at this high quality picture of a picture.
    If you seem me at a show please say hi!!!
    vlaha, phankins11 and rzage like this.
  5. Bedford

    Bedford Lackey For Coin Junkies

    I've put this pic up before but here I am with some YN's .

    Jason - :mask:

    photo 1 (2).JPG

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Yeah maybe for some that's true. But there are lots of folks on CT who aren't that way. I've known some of them for 15 years or more, and have traveled all over the country to meet them in person. And some have traveled all over to meet me.

    As for their internet names, well, much as I hate to admit it I can always remember those, but I sometimes forget their real names :oops: But I think that's because their internet names is who they are to me. That's what I got to know them by and what I call them most of the time. And there's lots of thread like this where people have posted pictures of themselves.

    As for me, well my avatar is a picture of me, and my internet name is my real name, it's my initials. And I've used it on the internet since the 1980's. Long before the internet as most know it even existed. 'Course long time members know both of those things but newer members don't, so when these threads come up I let them know too.

    And if ya don't think my avatar is a picture of me, well ...........

    DP icon 2.jpg
  7. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    Great write up , and that little camera microscope is quite handy . Amanda and Charmy's write ups are always a treat . Except I always feel hungry after ready Charmy's write ups .
    Amanda Varner, green18 and phankins11 like this.
  8. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    Dang Doug , you were young once . lol
    phankins11 likes this.
  9. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    Bite your tongue!
    phankins11 likes this.
  10. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    Never , that would hurt .
    phankins11 likes this.
  11. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    This is me when I graduated from pool school.....


    ......and this is me when I was in rehab.


  12. phankins11

    phankins11 Well-Known Member

    Diggin' that bust half pic behind you! Also great to see you encouraging those YNs!
  13. Silverhouse

    Silverhouse Well-Known Member

    Is that a virgin bloody mary? Drinks in rehab? :p A dachary? I'll need coin rehab when this is all over. :p lol I'd post a pic of myself but I have a very public job. It kinda creeps me out when people take random pictures at work. I hope I don't end up somewhere on someone's FB feed.
  14. phankins11

    phankins11 Well-Known Member

  15. phankins11

    phankins11 Well-Known Member

    LMAO...that's some funny stuff there...can always count on you for some that's funny!
  16. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Strawberry Daiquiri

  17. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter


    Every coin collector is Capt. Ahab
  18. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    I didn't know he speared bison.

  19. chip

    chip Novice collector

    I doan theenk so, why? Because in the beginning of Moby Dick Captain Ahab nails a gold doubloon to the mast for the first man who spots the white whale.

    No self respecting coin collector nails old Spanish gold to anything.
    green18, phankins11 and rzage like this.
  20. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    Chip , now if it was in a slab and he was careful not to hit the coin , I'd say ok . But you're right again . ;)
  21. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    It's not about the gold coin. It's about finding the elusive great white whale.
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