This Georgia State quarter as many things wrong with it. Come look.

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Shrews1994, Mar 9, 2019.

  1. Shrews1994

    Shrews1994 Collecting is my passion.

    On the obverse has a die crack and a die chip. The reverse has die crack coming off of each end of the ribbon. on the right it looks like a die break it becomes a blob at the end of the crack.on the left ribbon has a die crack and right next to it there is raised pointy ends coming from the rim. Can't be a cud. the words on the ribbon. Wisdom has filled in letters. The top of the s and bottom the s is filled with a die chip including the D top and bottom of D is filled. The word moderation has the same thing. The top of the O is filled The bottom of the E filled, the bottom of the A the top left of The and the part top of the O and the whole bottom of the N is all filled with all die chips. I seen they were varieties for this Georgia State quarter for the die chips die cracks. But I'm wondering what that raised area off the rim is? CM190309-074224001.jpg CM190309-074300003.jpg CM190309-074319004.jpg CM190309-074612006.jpg CM190309-074832007.jpg CM190309-074921008.jpg CM190309-075103009.jpg CM190309-075211011.jpg CM190309-075420014.jpg CM190309-075559018.jpg
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
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  3. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Probably due to a High Pressure strike because of the slight misalignment strike. IMHO
    Shrews1994 likes this.
  4. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Would the stuff by the leaves be considered a cud? Look closely at 2008p Arizona quarters. Meow found one with 7 die chips on it.
  5. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    That is created by a worn die. I wouldn't call it a CUD though.
    Shrews1994 likes this.
  6. Shrews1994

    Shrews1994 Collecting is my passion.

    No it's a die break.
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
  7. Shrews1994

    Shrews1994 Collecting is my passion.

    Right not a cud. It becomes a die chip. There's die chips all over on this quarter.
    Kentucky likes this.
  8. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Good job on finding it, and Thanks for sharing. Meow will keep and eye out for similar items in the future.
    Shrews1994 likes this.
  9. Shrews1994

    Shrews1994 Collecting is my passion.

    Thank you. Look inside the letters that are indented could be die chips all in them.
    Brina likes this.
  10. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Wow, there sure are a lot of them. Keeper for sure. Too bad, its a bit on the worn side. As a BU example might showcase the flaws better. The dings and dents, camouflage the flaws a bit.
  11. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    How are your paws holding up CRH? Meow's paws are a sore from so much CRH; And mouse and PC mouse pawing. Loosing a bit of feeling in one claw at the moment.
  12. Shrews1994

    Shrews1994 Collecting is my passion.

    Paws are quite fine. Lol CM190309-084650001.jpg
    spirityoda likes this.
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