The Post Office is Nuts

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by johnmilton, Dec 21, 2020.

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  1. Sidney Osborne

    Sidney Osborne Well-Known Member

    Message your buyer explaining any delays now...not later...should help..
    mynamespat likes this.
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  3. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    Why it seems like just yesterday, my friends and I were sitting around the pot bellied stove complaining about the Pony Express. Their favorite excuse was, "The horse died."
    We have all become a society of wanting things done instantly and while the "system" may be screwed up, I still have respect for those employees that have to deal with the system.
  4. Circus

    Circus Tokens Only !! TEC#4981

    You won't Ive had packages stuck in the Detroit Loop for 5 weeks as it went from one sub distribution center and then just making the round trip for 4 weeks before somebody peeled it off the bottom of a canvas tote were soda was spilled.. Currently there are now 5 packages in transit and arriving late. One is from about 60 miles away and only one distribution center our post office, shipped 12/17.
    For part of Oct. and most of Nov. we didn't get mail delivered during the the week if we got mail it was only on Sunday.
  5. Joshua Lemons

    Joshua Lemons Well-Known Member Supporter

    I gave a coin that's been sitting in Hazelwood MO since November 13th. It just keeps getting processed through. Maybe one day it'll get here.
  6. erscolo

    erscolo Well-Known Member

    I have a coin that has gone nowhere since before Thanksgiving. It was due here on November 25. It is gone, and I opened a missing mail case with USPS which they unilaterally closed. It is time for competition in ALL classes of mail and the demise of USPS. I am out $95 and the coin is who knows where.
  7. Derrick Combs

    Derrick Combs Well-Known Member

    If you go in the post office now and try priority they say the only thing they guarantee is overnight. I love in a small town, 9000, and I dropped a package 2 day priority on Friday morning at 825am it didn't leave my post office Friday. It left Saturday at 1215. It took over a day for a 2 day priority to leave my post office. It hasn't been to the hub here yet. And it's now Monday.
  8. Derrick Combs

    Derrick Combs Well-Known Member

    It'll move. I know it seems like it won't but it will. It may be middle or end of January before this mess is straightened out
  9. Jeffjay

    Jeffjay Well-Known Member

    You are wrong. The Postmaster General is appointed by a Board of Governors who are all handpicked by the president. Congress has zero to do with it. Remember civics?
    stldanceartist and MIGuy like this.
  10. stldanceartist

    stldanceartist Minister of Silly Walks

    FWIW, the check was traveling from Boston to Philadelphia. Took two weeks.

    On another note, a package containing Christmas gifts for my cousin's kids (they are dirt DIRT poor, and me and my wife decided to put some of the aforementioned coin funds into filling a huge box full of gifts for them) was mailed on December 10, and as far as we know it hasn't left the Philadelphia area yet (today is Dec 21.) Priority Mail. Cost me almost $60.

    Most of the other packages I mailed that day have yet to be delivered. My birthday present (from my sister, niece and nephew) mailed on November 2 has completely disappeared.

    I realize that the USPS front end workers are not responsible for these shenanigans. I realize there are a LOT of factors contributing to these delays (including mostly their new "leadership", and that's all I'll say about that.)

    Still, though...

    I hope USPS "leadership" enjoys knowing that they are (probably) about to ruin Christmas for three poor little girls (among others.)

    I will say there are a certain few people who do not want to be within my grasp while my limbs still function.
    MIGuy, ZoidMeister and Paul M. like this.
  11. Circus

    Circus Tokens Only !! TEC#4981

    Well here is a link to a story they did on the local news tonight. they said today there were 50 semi's lined up to get in the yard and from the video there looked to be 100 or so trailers sitting in the yard. So that answers the question about why it is in Detroit and nothing has changed on informed delivery. the center is located in Allen park Mi south of Detroit
    JCKTJK likes this.
  12. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    So, what do you make of this?

    Stone Mountain is less than 4 miles from my work. All labels are printed out of Paypal's registered shipping, so all labels are identical.

    How could it be "misshipped?"

    I opened a case on the 17th. They closed it on the 20th without delivering the package. No one can tell me where it is.


  13. MIGuy

    MIGuy Well-Known Member

    They need to get Stafford and the Lions over there to get things moving (The Lions training facility is also in Allen Park)! In any case, I finally received a couple of coins that were shipped on December 5th in a little padded first class mailer - it spent 7 days in Springfield, MA. Interesting note that we had two mail deliveries today to our mailbox from USPS, so they're trying to catch up. In addition to the "no overtime" and other moronic moves from DeJoy and those idiots at the top, they've got infected employees shutting down / limiting operations in many places, and much higher than usual volume. Based on good past performance I'm confident that eventually everything will get where it should.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2020
    JCKTJK likes this.
  14. Alan Cecil

    Alan Cecil Active Member

  15. Alan Cecil

    Alan Cecil Active Member

  16. juris klavins

    juris klavins Well-Known Member

    John Steinbeck wrote a book about this situation sixty years ago:

    Winter_discontent.JPG :yuck:
  17. Scuba4fun777

    Scuba4fun777 Well-Known Member

    I had a similar incident thru the infamous Allen Park, MI facility in September/October. eBay item was mailed to me on 9/28. Arrives in Allen Park 10/1. On 10/17, I filled out a USPS “where’s my package” form online. Requested call back instead of email. I let the seller know of the delay also. He only replied 1x, offering to send a replacement lab scale if it didn’t arrive within a week. On 10/21, I received a “case closed” email from the post office, along with some BS (complete lack of) explanation that basically said ‘tough cookies, buddy!’
    After trying many more times to reach the seller, eBay finally gave me a refund, around 10/26.
    Figuring I’ve got nothing to lose, I re-entered the tracking info in the ‘where’s my package’ form again at It said something like “there’s already been a case for this item, would you like to re-open it?” So I did. Lo and behold, it arrived on Halloween!
    I would have gladly offered to repay the seller, but he never responded to my previous multiple attempts, so I’m sure he would have continued to ignore me :).
    Derrick Combs and ZoidMeister like this.
  18. Inspector43

    Inspector43 More than 75 Years Active Collecting Supporter

    Or, sometimes we just like to add a little sarcasm.
    ZoidMeister likes this.
  19. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    Yeah, I went ahead and reopened the case. With mine, I didn't get a "case already open" notice.

    Inspector43 likes this.
  20. Derrick Combs

    Derrick Combs Well-Known Member

    It has likely gone to a hub and someday after Xmas it'll get back in a machine and back where it's going.
    MIGuy likes this.
  21. Derrick Combs

    Derrick Combs Well-Known Member

    I agree. I had one that the seller was right with me. He created the research case that the po closed. It took from November 27 to December 19 to turn up. He dropped it in a box because of long lines. So it wasn't scanned in there first. It looked like he created the label but didn't ship the coin. Was just a 18 dollar circulated walker. Nothing special. Had he refunded me i would of mailed the cash back. Since I kind of knew what was going on because I have other lost packages I told him I'm cool waiting until mid January or so. One of his other buyers, a new jersey state trooper, opened a case so he had to refund him. Now that package has moved. I would put an intercept on it if it were me.
    MIGuy and ZoidMeister like this.
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