The Post Office is Nuts

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by johnmilton, Dec 21, 2020.

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  1. John Burgess

    John Burgess Well-Known Member

    My Mint set arrived on Saturday this past weekend, it showed "shipped" on the mint website, but they didn't scan it in at the post office.
    So I ordered on Nov. 30th, Mint marked it shipped with tracking on Dec. 4th, The USPS sat on it unscanned until as far as I can tell Dec. 18th when it was scanned at Tampa FL, and it was delivered to me the next day finishing the trip to me.

    It wasn't the mint, the USPS just decided it was better for them to collect it and make it disappear for two weeks until they got around to moving it.
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  3. Mr.Q

    Mr.Q Well-Known Member

    The USPS served notice in November that packages and mail could be delayed. I too have packages out there but will have to be patient while things get sorted out. A lot has happened this year and the postal service is certainly not at the head of our most pressing problems, give them a break. My opinion only, and no, I do not work for the USPS. Look ahead, the best is yet to happen!
    John Skelton, Dynoking and MIGuy like this.
  4. John Burgess

    John Burgess Well-Known Member

    It's not just this though, They have totally lost two checks I mailed out for car payments which I've now switched over to a draft from my bank account, meanwhile it's cost me $60 in stop payment bank fees.

    And to top it off at work, I know for a fact I was expecting checks from local customers to come and they weren't arriving, so I asked the mailmain to keep an eye out. Turns out another fill in postal carrier was just shoving my mail in a vacant buildings mailbox rather than delivering it since I guess they no longer get paid for overtime, he found a whole bunch of peoples mail sitting in an overflowing mailbox, but I got the checks for work finally.

    hard to be patient or understanding when it's done on purpose. My car payment checks are probably still sitting in a vacant buildings mailbox out there somewhere, when a delivery person got in a crunch for time and decided to just dump stuff on someone's mailbox and call it a day. I get mail for people that are 6 blocks away, my carrier here in south florida showed me stacks of letters that were loaded on her truck with New York addresses, and she was complaining she'd have to go back to the hub with them on her own time to get them back on track to new york since they don't pay for overtime and sorting them and finding them in her deliveries was slowing her down.

    they all are just dumping it off to deal with on a different day at this point. I'm done giving them breaks. So far they cost me $60 for stop payments, and if I wasn't paying attention, would have had my near payed of car repo'ed.
  5. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    "It can't get no worse..."
  6. Dennis Misiak

    Dennis Misiak Member

    I am only experiencing problems with USPS. Same issues as everyone else. No problems with UPS or FEDEX. Both are usually on time and occasionally the next day, if late.
  7. UncleScroge

    UncleScroge Well-Known Member

    I agree. Amazon's doing pretty good too.
    ZoidMeister likes this.
  8. Kasia

    Kasia Got my learning hat on

    The USPS tracking site is nuts too. (experiencing 'technical problems').
  9. UncleScroge

    UncleScroge Well-Known Member

    I was getting that message on Saturday.
  10. Dennis Misiak

    Dennis Misiak Member

    I have not had any problems with AMAZON either. And I get a lot of Amazon deliveries.
  11. halfcent1793

    halfcent1793 Well-Known Member

    I sent a package of coins to a dealer to be auctioned. I sent it Express Mail. It was seized by postal authorities, because someone thought it smelled like marijuana. For the record, it didn't smell like that when I mailed it, and there was no marijuana in the package.
    I called them on the phone twice and was told that it was being sent S L O W L Y to Phoenix, AZ where it would be inspected, and if it wasn't anything illegal, it would be sent on.
    It's been two weeks, and I've heard nothing more.
  12. Mark68

    Mark68 Well-Known Member

    Between FedEx and UPS. I'm Fed/UP!
    UncleScroge likes this.
  13. UncleScroge

    UncleScroge Well-Known Member

    I think it's time to rename this thread to, 'We People Are Nuts'.
    MIGuy likes this.
  14. VistaCruiser69

    VistaCruiser69 Well-Known Member

    Maybe I've lucked out, but just last Thursday I ordered a few eyepieces for my telescope from a company in the Los Angeles area. I received them over the weekend (less than three business days) through the USPS. These eyepieces were all shipped in USPS flat rate priority boxes. The USPS is completely swamped with all the Amazon boxes they've been contracted to deliver.

    My packages were shipped from within the same state I'm in and the shipper used the USPS flat rate priority boxes. Perhaps these may have influence on how fast I received my shipments.
    MIGuy likes this.
  15. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    I ordered expensive coins specifically asked to have it mailed after new years. I have none coin packages going on a month without any movement. I wasn't going to let nice ancients coins get lost next.
  16. Dynoking

    Dynoking Well-Known Member

    I had a package sitting in Jersey City for a week. The tracking message stated waiting for transport. The shipper told me the post office stopped providing updates on all shipments due to high volume.
  17. Tusky Ranger

    Tusky Ranger Active Member

    I never mail checks!
  18. Millard

    Millard Coindog Supporter

    well said
  19. Dennis Misiak

    Dennis Misiak Member

    Can't blame this on Trump. The Postmaster General is appointed by Congress, not the President.
    masterswimmer and Mark68 like this.
  20. JCKTJK

    JCKTJK Well-Known Member

    No Politics please!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2020
    masterswimmer and Mark68 like this.
  21. juris klavins

    juris klavins Well-Known Member

    Agreed - Letter mail is sorted automatically by OCRs (optical character readers) on LSMs (letter sorting machines) - the machines can 'read' hand written zipcodes as well as printed barcodes - trays to destination zip codes are filled, pulled, sleeved and strapped in a matter of minutes, ready for transport to airport facilities several times daily.
    Tracking numbered pieces of various classes, shapes and sizes require a postal clerk to scan each piece with a laser gun every step of its journey through the postal system - more handling, longer processing and delivery times.

    MIGuy likes this.
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