The Coinstar Conspiracy.

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Detecto92, Apr 25, 2012.

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  1. Numis-addict

    Numis-addict Addicted to coins

    wait, hes gone for good? That did confuse me.
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  3. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

  4. coreymon77

    coreymon77 New Member

    nah, according to one of the mods in the other thread, it's only for a few days.
  5. Numis-addict

    Numis-addict Addicted to coins

    Man, its a bad night. We have learned that we will not be hearing from 2 members of cointalk anymore. One, tragically lost, the other banned.
  6. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Agreed. Bad night all around. I am still in shock over the other news, he was such a nice man.
  7. NOS

    NOS Former Coin Hoarder

    So what's up with Detecto? Is he banned for life or not? I certainly hope not as I do enjoy reading his posts as they do tend to be "different" than what your average person posts about.

    Btw, I don't doubt there is some truth to what Detecto is saying and not just about Coinstars, either. My local bank got a new counting machine where you lift a lid from the top and there is a rotary mechanism that moves which the coins get emptied onto. One time as an experiment I put a silver dime inside of it while the machine was in counting mode and the silver dime just disappeared without giving me credit or going to the reject slot. What happened to this silver dime? I was neither credited 10 cents nor had it returned, the only logical explanation is that it went into a secret compartment. Pretty darn unethical if you tell me and I bet most people don't even notice.
  8. Tyler G.

    Tyler G. Active Member

    Welp tonights been a full night, losing a member for good, not just a member but a nice man and friend, and the banning of another.
  9. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    I agree NOS 100%. While Detecto did get riled up in his posts, I was reading this one with interest, (well at least the Coinstar part), and also believed it was a valid point. I think its unethical and borderline illegal for them to intentionally keep coins they refuse to pay for. As LD noted, at times they would collect silver coins and sell them to dealers. This is simply theft in my eyes, either the coins should be given credit for, or returned. Now, if Coinstar wished to have an internal bucket to sort silver or even copper cents, that is their business since people willingly inserted them. However, to simply steal these coins is just unacceptable.

    Detecto, chill out man. Take some time off, use it to study some coins, and just remember to stay on point and keep your conversations about your topic. I find your posts at least different even if I don't agree with them. Time will smooth this over, just come back when you are cooled down. We all get too wrapped up with our feelings from time to time. At least it shows passion in this hobby, something a hobby with a bunch of old men needs from time to time.

  10. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Agreed Chris. He was an extremely nice individual and I shall miss him. I hadn't seen him posting of late and now know why. Very sad.
  11. Kasia

    Kasia Got my learning hat on

    I do believe he wasn't banned, but simply given a 'time out', so to speak. I think he'll be back, and that's ok. He actually does like the hobby from what I see.
  12. joey0053

    joey0053 ZERT Operator

  13. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Guys, just a theory and not a conspiracy theory......the machines are calibrated to take contemporary coins. Anything else is rejected. The internal box is meant to catch all manner of slugs and washers and to not give them back so that they can be passed off again. There's a disclaimer statement provided warning folks not to put/enter certain coins into the machine. How do we dumb that down? Don't put these certain items into the machine! Due to the calibration of the machine for contemporary issues, it's unable to recognize silver and therefore rejects it, thinking it's a slug, and pulls it out of circulation.
  14. joey0053

    joey0053 ZERT Operator

    A co worker of mine Used a coin star in San Fran and keep jamming so a guy who workied at the store came over and found a lot of merc dimes standing lib quarters and some silver halves that had plugged it up. Well Anyway the guy gave them to her, Just let her have them Cuz he couldn't Take em. They eventually made their way to my hands.
  15. Hobo

    Hobo Squirrel Hater

    What took you so long?

    Now that Detecto has been banned should I remove him from my Ignore List?

    Nah!!! :thumb:
  16. Sully

    Sully New Member

    If the silver gets counted, then why on another forum is the most popular find in the reject bins silver dimes and quarters? And I agree, why would anyone put money in a machine thats taking 9% out of what they put in.

  17. fatima

    fatima Junior Member


    Modern Marvels did a program on how Coinstar works. I don't think there is an internal rejection bin. Anything not counted is returned to the customer. There is a return slot on the machine where this stuff goes right back to the customer. Inside the machine are two collection boxes. These boxes are setup like small safes and have a trailer hitch on them where the tech takes the entire box with a mini-lift and replaces it with an empty one. The machine contacts the service center when it thinks it is full and they send out a tech. The tech does not have access to the coins in the box.

    Those collection boxes are trucked to a counting center where they are unlocked and opened and the coin counting and separation takes place. They didn't get into the issue of silver coins, but it would be my guess they have a process to separate those coins out and they sell them at market value. It's probably not a significant amount of revenue given how scarce silver is in the general coinage. They furnish the empty boxes back to the company that collects them from the machines.
  18. One member said his wife brought home coins from the machine that were rejected.
    Why would he say that if it wasnt true?
    Maybe in other states the coins are retrived differently.
    I dont care about the coins but what really is scary is we have become a nation of people that just gives up anything and get nothing for it.
    Our goverment has learned this and now take advantage of it .
    I understand when i put coins into any machine its up to me to make sure i dont put any coin i like or want to keep into it as there is no access to get it back.
    I do think the return coins should come back to me and not go into another coin bin.
  19. TheCoinGeezer

    TheCoinGeezer Senex Bombulum

    I don't know anything about this so-called internal reject bin.
    What I do know is that I have found foreign coins, a silver dime and a dollar-size MTA Bridge token in the reject bin.
  20. ikandiggit

    ikandiggit Currency Error Collector

    A Coinstar machine was just installed in the local Safeway (Winnipeg, Canada). It charges 11.9%. I won't be using it but I will be checking the return bin anytime I'm there.
  21. BUncirculated

    BUncirculated Well-Known Member

    First off, I have come to the conclusion that you need help, seriously.

    Secondly, if this was a "conspiracy", as YOU claim, why would Coin Star disclose the possibility that some coins, and they even list what coins on their machines, would NOT be returned in the rejection bin?

    Seriously dude, get some help.

    Oh and BTW, that link you posted about the 9-11 conspiracy, was debunked years ago by independent researchers.
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