The ANACS Grade the Graders Ike 1973 P MS Dollars (20/20)

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by cplradar, Aug 14, 2021.


What grade would you give this coin - Anacs grade will be revealed. Grading the graders

Poll closed Aug 21, 2021.
  1. MS61

  2. MS62

    0 vote(s)
  3. MS63

  4. MS64

  5. MS65

  6. MS66

  7. MS67

    0 vote(s)
  8. MS68

    0 vote(s)
  1. chascat

    chascat Well-Known Member

    I've been looking for a nice 73-D in 66 for years now...last time I saw one was about 5 yrs ago at a show in Las Vegas, and it was a nice one with pretty toning for $350.00. Ain't seen another one since then that nice...kick my butt for not buying it!!! I seriously doubt there are more than 1 0r 2 others like it in existence.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2021
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  3. Anthony Mazza

    Anthony Mazza Well-Known Member

  4. cplradar

    cplradar Talmud Chuchum

    how did you do that? These 1973's are not in circulation. They only came out in mint sets, and the mint still did a lousy job with them.
  5. cplradar

    cplradar Talmud Chuchum

  6. cplradar

    cplradar Talmud Chuchum

    most people picked the right grade for this coin
  7. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    To many marks for such a large coin. MS64
  8. cplradar

    cplradar Talmud Chuchum

    those are not contact marks
  9. micbraun

    micbraun coindiccted

    There are several hits in the prime focal areas. Most of them are minor, but the 2-3 hits on the chin are a big deal and should limit the coin to MS63/64. Luster seems to be okay but not good enough for a gem grade either. It’s a nice coin though, no matter the technical grade :)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2021
  10. baseball21

    baseball21 Well-Known Member

    no ones cared about those in like 60 years.

    Why would PCGS help NGC or NGC help ANACS etc by sharing their standards with them. The market picks which ones are the right one and that company get the business and has a premium on their product
  11. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    If you didn't know how to grade, what would you think they are,
    Too many buyers forget to ask themselves that question.
    Top it off there are too much left over unstruck planchet remaining on the thet coin to get gem, where is the booming luster?
  12. cplradar

    cplradar Talmud Chuchum

    I don't understand what your saying. What question are they not asking? What booming luster do you think happens with clad coins?

    What do you mean by, there are too much left over unstruck planchet remaining...

    What standard are you using to grade these?

    It happens to have nice reflective fields.
  13. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    Maybe I don't see the booming luster, maybe I see quite a bit of contact, or what is common on most Ikes, maybe I grade gem a little more difficult than the next.
    I have seen my fair share of Ikes, and the majority even in slabs don't make it to gem quality.
  14. cplradar

    cplradar Talmud Chuchum

    How do you expect to see a Blooming Luster, which is a property of SILVER, on a Clad IKE? That is one thing you said that confused me. To my knowlede, you are looking for a property of a coin that can't exist, at least not as a practicle matter. Am I wrong in this matter?
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021
  15. chascat

    chascat Well-Known Member

    I agree with you to a certain extent as many clad Ikes do lack the vibrant luster, however, many do compare with silver issues and do show the luster very well.
    Pickin and Grinin likes this.
  16. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    I agree. Clad can have great luster.
    Pickin and Grinin and chascat like this.
  17. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    The coin has contact marks and chatter that the strike did not remove. ANACS standards are not as tough as PCGS.
    chascat likes this.
  18. cplradar

    cplradar Talmud Chuchum

    I would like to see an example of a Clad Ike with booming luster, especially a 1973. It is more likely to be proof like.
  19. cplradar

    cplradar Talmud Chuchum

  20. Mac McDonald

    Mac McDonald Well-Known Member

    Surprised it graded, and at 65, with the wheel/roller mark from whatever, but nothing obvious of intent to defraud, to alter or damage, etc. And that's the way it should be with this stuff. Grade these coins net-straight and allow the market to determine the values, what people are willing to pay, etc. But glad this one did despite the mark...don't think so from either NGC or PCGS.
  21. capthank

    capthank Well-Known Member

    I believe all Ike 1973's came from mint sets and were not in circulation.
    cplradar likes this.
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