Terrific Token Thursday! Post yours as well.....

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by SensibleSal66, Jan 16, 2025.

  1. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Hello all Token Heads! It's "Terrific Token Thursday!". A place to post your Tokens of any kind. [​IMG]
    Here are a couple of examples....
    Have a Great Thursday all!
    Stay warm and safe. [​IMG]
    1878STDObv-side.jpg IMG_20211216_051606747.jpg Token1.jpg
    Joshua Lemons, Neal, Timewarp and 3 others like this.
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  3. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    Many tokens are terrific because they're individualistic in some way, even quirky.
    This one commemorates their 24th anniversary; not their 25th anniversary but their 24th.

    Screenshot_20250116_042450_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20250116_042444_Gallery.jpg
  4. alurid

    alurid Well-Known Member

    I like quirky ...
    20240503_115350.jpg 20240503_115412.jpg
  5. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

    This one is on the way to me 1927 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company 1-horz.jpg
  6. Denis Richard

    Denis Richard Well-Known Member

    I picked up something over the summer from a 1984 Canadian Numismatic Association convention in Hamilton. It was in near perfect condition.

    1984 CNA Medal_a1-8x11.jpg
  7. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    This one just came in the mail yesterday.

  8. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

  9. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

  10. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

  11. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    This token is a doubled die.
    D9F632EE-26CE-4967-A76F-B76B5F4D2631.jpeg 940D9478-DC32-4BEB-B056-AD619070556E.jpeg 94AC7C85-A924-453E-A609-68C1CFC7B5A3.jpeg 5EA7BBD5-B0C9-4C1D-AC02-2AC2D1C8585B.jpeg
  12. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

  13. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    I have a ton of tokens!
    Here are 5
    g46952.jpg g46953.jpg IMG_20170603_143757_3414.jpg IMG_20170603_143822_6062.jpg 20190130_061357-1.jpg 20190130_061314-1~2.jpg 20180425_190706-1.jpg 20180425_190644-1.jpg Capture+_2017-12-29-13-24-09.png Capture+_2017-12-29-13-24-37.png
  14. Mr. Numismatist

    Mr. Numismatist Strawberry Token Enthusiast

    This strawberry grower reused a nearby fair's 25 cent tickets as pickers' tickets. I think it's pretty neat to own a 130 year old piece of cardboard!

    IMG_6565.JPG IMG_6566.JPG
  15. Timewarp

    Timewarp Intrepid Traveler

    Here's some I finished photographing recently.

    Oliver Boutwell 9b Double Strike.jpg
    Circus Circus.jpg
    Lillie's Saloon.jpg
    Unfortunately Lillie's Saloon is a reproduction.
  16. Timewarp

    Timewarp Intrepid Traveler

    Here's a Die Clash.
    Benjamin & Herrick 6a.jpg
    Benjamin & Herrick 6a Die Clash.jpg
  17. alurid

    alurid Well-Known Member

    1935 tax tokens.
    20210501_190423.jpg 20210501_190519.jpg 20230128_203716.jpg 20230128_203726.jpg
  18. Neal

    Neal Well-Known Member

    Bank of Lower Canada Bank Token, 2 sous/1 penny, 1837. Rather worn, but the only one I have. IMG_2117.JPG IMG_2116.JPG
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2025
  19. Denis Richard

    Denis Richard Well-Known Member

    I have one of those. I like Canadian pre-confederation tokens. This is the Habitant token, showing a classic image of a French-Canadian farmer in traditional winter clothing, holding a whip, though, to me, he looks under dressed for Quebec's winter. These "semi-regal" tokens were approved by the colonial government and impressively stayed in use for over 60 years.

    On the back, a group of heraldic flowers is surrounded by the phrase "Concordia Salus" (the Bank of Montreal's motto.) "Well-being through harmony", is the English translation. It first appeared on Montreal's CoA in 1833, and it is still there today.

    And one from upper Canada.
    627970_ALTMORE5.jpg 627970_ALTMORE6.jpg
    Timewarp, Joshua Lemons, Neal and 3 others like this.
  20. alurid

    alurid Well-Known Member

  21. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    Token collectors have driven the prices for the "Good for a Scent" token to the moon. Here's one that is even more interesting because it has great images on both sides. The "salamander token" is quite scarce with perhaps 15 or so examples known.

    Salamander Press All.jpg

    Here is a salamander press, and no, I don't own it.

    Salamander Press 1.jpg

    I do have an "lion press" however.

    Merriam Press 1.jpg
    Tall Paul, Timewarp, dwhiz and 6 others like this.
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