Teardrops Of the Sun On a Winter's Day: Chile 1844 8 Escudos

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by 7Jags, Jan 15, 2025.

  1. 7Jags

    7Jags Well-Known Member

    After a long travail, I at last got this coin from a Spanish auction. After all the time and crazy fees and bank declining transactions it arrived just last week (strike through on neck of Athena/Liberty):

    IMG_6349.jpeg IMG_6348.jpeg
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  3. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Worth the wait, eh?

    That's quite the sharp strike!

    PS- quite the poetic thread title, too. I like the sound of it.

    PPS- what's the "21 Qs." mean?
    panzerman likes this.
  4. 7Jags

    7Jags Well-Known Member

    Yes, generally it was although I think mildly cleaned in the past. Wonder if it will grade. The gold color of these older coins really does glow...
    panzerman likes this.
  5. muhfff

    muhfff Well-Known Member

    21 Qs. is probably gold purity, 21 carats
    Spark1951 likes this.
  6. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    That is a dandy example 7 Jags! Congratulations. I have one of the type also. However I was stupid/ got carried away ended up paying $8400 with fees:shame::banghead: lf - 2025-01-16T092141.307.jpg lf - 2025-01-16T092155.270.jpg
    mkivtt and 7Jags like this.
  7. 7Jags

    7Jags Well-Known Member

    Wow, that is an impressive specimen! So I am not alone to be afflicted with such "disease"! LOL. The FM rarities are a different breed but MUCH cheaper and now I can scarcely venture into Brit later milled rarities, even if copper or silver...
    Perhaps even with my non-existent connections may submit for grading??
    mkivtt and panzerman like this.
  8. Spark1951

    Spark1951 Accomplishment, not Activity

    Totally correct. Quick research shows translation of carat to Spanish is “quilate”.
    I believe the pronunciation is “kee-lah-tay”.

    Kudos for your perseverance over your long travail…beautiful, striking coin.
    fireandice556, panzerman and 7Jags like this.
  9. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    That is the only "disease" I don't mind catching:D
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