Featured Swedish Numismatics

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by Chris B, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. talerman

    talerman Well-Known Member

    Please tell us more about how the Swedish government got involved with the production of counterfeit copper 5 kopek in 1780s.

    Also, is the cross to which you refer on the reverse near the centre ? I am not sure I am looking at the right thing.
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  3. talerman

    talerman Well-Known Member

    I should have mentioned that this is my understanding pf the counterfeit 5 kopek story. When Gustaf III invaded Russia in the Russo-Swedish war of 1788-1790 he needed Russian coins to pay Russian workers in the border regions. He came up with the idea of having the Avesta mint strike 5 Kopek copper coins like those of Tsarina Catherine II. The Swedes claimed that they had captured the copper coins from Russian ships.
    tibor and Chris B like this.
  4. The Seeker

    The Seeker Member

    Here is a coin from my collection

    Karl XI 1665, 8 Mark. One year type. 15 specimens known in total and just 4 of those of this particular dye number 4. This coin being the finest of the 1665 issue.

    IMG_20210717_145050_229.jpg IMG_20210717_145129_454.jpg
  5. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    And an Ex Newman piece. Nice.
    talerman likes this.
  6. talerman

    talerman Well-Known Member

    Coins of KARL X GUSTAV (1654-60)

    Karl X Gustav, named heir to the throne by the childless Queen Christina in 1649, was the son of Johann Casimir, Count Palatinate of Zweibrücken-Kleeberg, and Catherine, daughter of Karl IX of Sweden, and brother of Gustav II Adolf (and for some years guardian of his daughter Christina). When his father died in June 1652, Karl X Gustav inherited his lands and title and added the Palatinate arms to his Swedish arms.

    1/4 öre 1657

    Sweden Karl X Gustav Qtr ore 1657 obv 343.jpg Sweden Karl X Gustav Qtr ore 1657 rev 342.jpg

    Riksdaler 1657

    Sweden Karl X Gustav Daler  1654 LD obv 857.jpg Sweden Karl X Gustav Daler  1654 LD rev 864.jpg

    and a coin from one of Sweden's German possessions

    POMERANIA Taler 1655

    Pomerania Karl X Gustav of Sweden Taler 1655 LD obv 246.jpg Pomerania Karl X Gustav of Sweden Taler 1655 LD rev 252.jpg
  7. The Seeker

    The Seeker Member

    This riksdaler is actually from 1654, one year type and very popular as such.

  8. talerman

    talerman Well-Known Member

    Thank you for catching my typo
  9. talerman

    talerman Well-Known Member

    More coins of KARL XI (1660-97)

    The Seeker posted a beautiful 8 Mark of this monarch (with an Eric Newman provenance !). Here are couple of minors.

    1 öre 1694

    Sweden Karl XI 1 Ore 1694 obv 047.jpg
    Sweden Karl XI 1 Ore 1694 rev 056.jpg

    2 Mark 1666

    Sweden Karl XI 2 Mark 1666 obv 218.jpg Sweden Karl XI 2 Mark 1666 rev 219.jpg
    Chris B likes this.
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