Support lawful trade in ancient coins

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by 7Triones, Sep 4, 2024.

  1. 7Triones

    7Triones New Member

    I hope this isn't too political, but a bill (H.R. 7865) was introduced in Congress to facilitate lawful importation of ancient coins. It would be good if forum members could contact their representatives to express support for this bill. I'm going to write my representative. Here's what I plan to say:

    Please consider supporting, or even cosponsoring, H.R. 7865, a bill to
    facilitate the lawful trade and importation of coins over 250 years old.
    Current import restrictions of numismatic material primarily affect buyers of
    ancient Greek and Roman coins, but coins struck in 1857 are included, if
    allegedly found in Afghanistan.
    H.R. 7865 sets out a procedure to regulate importation of ancient coins
    while preserving the ability to protect against importation of stolen or illicitly
    excavated coins. It provides guardrails protecting collectors from arbitrary
    detention or seizure of legally acquired coins, whether ancient or only 168
    years old.

    If you want more info about the bill, there's an article published in CoinWeek (
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  3. I am no American but I would support this in full. Thanks 7Triones!
    nerosmyfavorite68 likes this.
  4. nerosmyfavorite68

    nerosmyfavorite68 Well-Known Member

    It's good to read about good news!
    Coinismatics2000 likes this.
  5. Jim Dale

    Jim Dale Well-Known Member

    I have quite a few coins from foreign countries that my father collected from various countries during and after WWII. I have several other coins a script that I have collected from friends and other friendly souls. I really haven't made much effort to find out about those coins. I would appreciate a source for documentation on foreign coins. Our local library didn't have much, except a book published around 1950. Thanks.
  6. Victor_Clark

    Victor_Clark all my best friends are dead Romans Dealer

    This topic is about facilitating "the lawful trade and importation of coins over 250 years old."

    "Current import restrictions of numismatic material primarily affect buyers of
    ancient Greek and Roman coins, but coins struck in 1857 are included, if
    allegedly found in Afghanistan."
    Dafydd and philologus_1 like this.
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