Success rate?

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by Riker, Apr 21, 2018.

  1. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    if you are going for silver for profit you might as well go for half dollars. your chances for 90% so-so your chances for 40% much higher.
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  3. Sam Carter

    Sam Carter Well-Known Member

    When I get to work tomorrow I'll post my Spreadsheet on my searches for 2018 to date. Ive had good weeks, REALLY good weeks, and bad weeks. It ebbs and flows, but you need a method of searching rolls, the fortune of a higher than average silver halfs per box, the blessing of an area that have banks that let you order coins unabated and a place to dump without fees, and the patience of Job, then it may work to your favor. But don't plan on getting rich searching coins.
  4. 1913LibertyHeadNickel

    1913LibertyHeadNickel Well-Known Member

    Mine as well. I have to have something to search through for at least an hour when I get home.
    furryfrog02 likes this.
  5. Cherd

    Cherd Junior Member Supporter

    The sad reality is that any past success that others have had represents a decrease in the prospect of your future successes. With respect to silver, this would have been a worthwhile thing to pursue in decades past, but nowadays, it's a bit of a snipe hunt.

    You also have to consider that, while it may effectively be "free" entertainment for you, it does cost resources on the part of the banks. Counting, wrapping, boxing, and transporting coinage all have costs associated with them. Even if you are opening boxes and examining the edges of coins through clear plastics wraps, your bank incurs some kind of cost for re-boxing/stocking, and at best are inconvenienced by having to deal with unsealed boxes. If you are unwrapping all of the coins and dumping into their coin counting machines, then the costs for the bank are even more significant. Just something to think about.

    Edit: I used to obtain and search for errors/variations in boxes of pennies from banks for "free" entertainment, and then re-deposit them in their coin machines. So, I'm not being judgmental "hypocritical", I just think that we should all at least be cognizant of these things in determining whether it is really worthwhile.
    -jeffB likes this.
  6. Sam Carter

    Sam Carter Well-Known Member

    So here is spreadsheet on 2018 Half Searching.

    So for 2018 I have found 778-40%, 167-90%, 62-Proofs, 27-*7s, 6-Com for a total of 173 ounces. Ihave searched this year 230 boxes. I am averaging 4 silver half per box and 3/4 ounce per box. I began 2018 with 252-90% and 77-40% from my searches Oct-Dec. Pictured is all in. So before anyone responds "yeah, but how much time and gas did you invest, blah, blah, blah". The three branches I pick up from are all with in five miles of work and both credit unions I dump in are within the same five mile radius, I drive by them on the way home from work. Pick up cost (Gas: $0),Credit Union does not charge a fee for dumping (Dump Fee: $0), Time in pick up, search, dump (6-8 hours per week). Total ounces pictured is 274.
  7. 1913LibertyHeadNickel

    1913LibertyHeadNickel Well-Known Member

    Do you sell or just hoard hoping the price will spike? That's a sweet score for two years. I find next to nothing where I am in NYC
    thomas mozzillo likes this.
  8. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    @Sam Carter It seems that you search about double what I search and have found about double what I have found. Kind of cool to see that the averages are close to the same.
    Sam Carter likes this.
  9. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    You heart breaker. You can be honest. Just soften it up alittle for us dreamers. I found a 2007 satin g.washington dollar recently. Hear they were sold in 36 pres.sets
  10. Sam Carter

    Sam Carter Well-Known Member

    Actually what you see in the pictures is the last seven months, I sell them and use the proceeds for my daughter's club sports or vacations, etc. I keep the best proofs and silvers almost have a full Franklin book, two- JFK proofs 1971s-2017s, ill save those as part of my collecting.
  11. 1913LibertyHeadNickel

    1913LibertyHeadNickel Well-Known Member

    A daughter at 15? You got started early my man ;)
    Where abouts are you searching from?
    Sam Carter likes this.
  12. Sam Carter

    Sam Carter Well-Known Member

    hahaha, naw I accidentally enter the wrong birthdate when I signed up, I turn double nickel this year. Southern US.
  13. juris klavins

    juris klavins Well-Known Member

    Agreed - the return on invested time and effort is very low - better to visit your local coin shop and buy some goodies from the miscellaneous silver bargain bin ;)
  14. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    I wish my local store had a bargain silver bin.
  15. Sam Carter

    Sam Carter Well-Known Member

    To each his own experience but in my case the ROI of time and effort has resulted in 274 ounces for $633.Related to hours, it would be like having a part time job making $30/hr in addition to having fun and finding a lot of great other coins at face. 2017 I finished out at 387 ounces for the year. 2016 a little less but I searched less boxes and did more bank visits. I no longer do any bank runs because true to your point, the ROI of time and fuel outweighs the finds.

    Granted not everyone around the country is going to experience the same ROR, it is dependent on many, many factors, some I am still struggling to understand, mainly, why one part of the country has a higher rate of silvers per box than another. What are the variables that dictate the ratio of silver to clad: population density?, interest?, age of population?, effluence of the area?, etc.
    juris klavins likes this.
  16. Sam Carter

    Sam Carter Well-Known Member

    My bargain bin store name is Loomis. ;)
  17. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

    Haha mine as well. I still would love to be able to easily find some world silver stuff. My LCS is more of a bullion dealer with a large online presence. They are not a great place to shop and I only go when I get a real bad itch for something haha.
  18. bsowa1029

    bsowa1029 Franklin Half Addict

    I view it as a form of entertainment with the possibility of finding something that could fetch a few bucks or maybe even a $20.
    Some people like to read, some like to watch tv or go to the movies, others like to run or workout and some just like searching through a box of coins. Everyone has their own thing they enjoy doing, and it doesn’t always have to be profitable.
    juris klavins likes this.
  19. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Wow. Get a life
  20. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    To me, the variables are obvious. It really boils down to one question - Is there a "culture" favoring silver? If there is, but heirs aren't "plugged into" it, you'll keep recycling silver back into rolls over and over again over time. In the industrial northeast, there are two things working against CRH success. There is FARRRRR less of a "silver culture" here, in the first place, and where stashed ARE held, family knows for the most part. Also, there is a serious dearth of B&M coin dealers to encourage family stupidity.
    Sam Carter likes this.
  21. Sam Carter

    Sam Carter Well-Known Member

    Nice constructive response, I like snarky humor, but do I really need to point out that everyone here collects COINS! and is reading posts on COINS! and gets giddy looking at COIN PORN! I suggest we all need to get a life!:nailbiting:
    -jeffB, John Skelton and Cheech9712 like this.
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