Stainless's Contest: Round 3

Discussion in 'Contests' started by stainless, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. stainless

    stainless ANTONINIVS

    Everyone responded, so we can start this early.

    Here who is made to the third round:



    1. you must PM me with your answer(s). If you post an answer here, that means I have to ask a new question, and it will disqualify you.

    2. You must answer the question before the time runs out.

    3. You only get one shot. Make your first answer count. The first wrong answer places you out of the contest.

    4. We will go as many rounds as it takes until we have the final two. They will be in the championship round.

    5. Have fun. No fighting

    The prize will be something worth while, I promise.


    Round 2 answer:

    coin #3

    Round 3 Questions:

    1. Tell me the story behind the "Widow's Mite".

    2. Who was the youngest Emperor in the "crisis and decline" era of the roman empire?

    3. Fire hoard coins sell for a premium. (True or False?)

    4. Who was the first emperor to stop minting Denarius? Due to the confusion, I have decided to take this question (#4) out.

    Answers due Monday at 11:59 PM EST!!!

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  3. ziggy9


    Oh well, I flipped the coin between #1 and #3. Better luck next time!
  4. Smaugy

    Smaugy Peg Leg Surfing

    Good luck to those that made the next round. Oh, well, maybe next time.

  5. AdamL

    AdamL Well-Known Member

    Darnit! I almost said #3. And I already know the answer to #1 in this round :(
    Oh well. Good luck to the people still in it. Thanks for the opportunity stainless.
  6. TheNoost

    TheNoost huldufolk

    I almost picked 3 because it was the only one I could enlarge. I thought it was a trick though. Thanks for the contest and good luck to the rest.
  7. Phoenix21

    Phoenix21 Well-Known Member

    That last one was tough, but I see where #3 is the fake, #2 is what threw me through a loupe though. (pun intended, and yes I know the two words are spelled different. :D) Thanks for the contest stainless, it was fun! Good luck to the rest of you guys! :thumb:

    Phoenix :cool:
  8. cherylkubucko

    cherylkubucko Grandma Froggie

    That is so real, I almost picked no.3 but put 1 instead. Good luck for the ones that made it to round 3.
  9. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    good luck guys. :)
  10. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    good luck guys, oh well 75% chance of being wrong, and I was.
  11. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Me too Frank.....good luck to all of you survivors.
  12. Ardatirion

    Ardatirion Où est mon poisson

    Would you kindly elaborate on the last question? Do you mean the last emperor to issue a denarius? Or the first to not issue a denarius? Do you mean the last to issue a silver denarius?
  13. FreakyGarrettC

    FreakyGarrettC Wise young snail

    Omg I Made It!!! XD
  14. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    the king cannot be beaten. you guys are lucky that the time is with you and not with me. :D
  15. stainless

    stainless ANTONINIVS

    yes, that is what I meant. Sorry, the last to issue a silver Denarius, and the first emperor after him to not issue it anymore.

  16. stainless

    stainless ANTONINIVS

    you guys don't need to answer #4.

  17. stainless

    stainless ANTONINIVS

    Answers are due tonite guys. be sure to lmk what you think they are.

  18. wledswift

    wledswift New Member

    PM sent. I hope I did well. Thanks very much for this one it is a lot of fun. I actually dug into a printed encyclopedia for the first time in at least 10 years.
  19. FreakyGarrettC

    FreakyGarrettC Wise young snail

    What the FRIGGIDIDOOP is a fire hoard!?!?!?!?!?!?
    I am SOOOO screwed....
  20. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

    These questions are way too easy Stainy. ;) Maybe I should offer the answers up to the highest bidder? :cool:

    I love the contest, keep it up! :thumb:

    Ribbit :)
  21. ryanbrooks

    ryanbrooks Active Member

    PM sent! Boy I hope I got them right :D The tension is killing me!
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