I piddle around on a local auction site. Usually just average junk box coins. Every now and again they have a piece or two that interests me and I do happen to like "fish scales" or three cent silvers. I plugged a $25.00 max bid on this one and it showed up in my mailbox over the weekend. It was a nice little Sunday Surprise.
You have to like that for the price. The one thing you going for you is size. Many collectors don't like small coins, and tiny ones, like a Silver Three Cent Piece, are even less desirable.
Nice little three cent piece. I hope you enjoyed your fish scales. They are just not my thing. I find them distasteful and on the hard side.
Nice. So many people (vast majority of our population) have no idea these exist. I think that includes all the obsolete coinage with strange denominations.
I was wondering if that was like a computer generated face or something…. It’s just sorta cockeyed or something. Must have been at your wet bar before tbe photo shoot.
That 3 cent piece for $25 is quite the cool coin. I would predict that it is at least a $50 coin, but the fact that it was from a local auction is a little nice as well. I guess it proves that good deals are everywhere! I wonder why they wouldn't like small coins? I personally like silver 3 cent pieces, 3 cent nickels, and a lot of other small coins. About the only reason I could think is because you could easily lose them.
I'm guessing you haven't yet reached that point in your late forties when the smallest coins suddenly start getting a lot blurrier.
VERY nice score @Randy Abercrombie. At the bare minimum it is an outstanding 7070 hole filler. On the upside, it is an honest, hard working coin that I'd proudly display in my collection. Sweet find.
And.... pronation issue with that Corgi will definitely lead to Piddle problems, whether male or female. Take it to a Canine Podiatric Surgeon at the first opportunity, because I don't think Orthotics are going to help.
I haven't quite reached it yet, but I can now see why most collectors hate small coins. Like you said, vision gets blurrier with age, and for silver 3-cent coins, there could be older collectors who, if they even want to fool with them, would prefer to have them slabbed. I am guessing that a lot of silver 3-cent collectors are younger people like me.
When I was a dealer, the collectors who gave me the blow back on small coins, were not old at all. Since my earliest days of interacting with dealers, I heard the line, “The most popular coins were high denomination U.S. pieces.”